Rhveis Hide

Rhveis Hide

The Rhveis is a giant solitary omnivore. They are most easily described as a melding of a Honey Buzzard and a African Clawed Frog. The passive's hide holds special properties. Rhveis Hide's properties are a blend of its material nature and magical makeup and is uniquly useful in the process of bookbinding. Rhveis Hide was first discovered by the military leader Cóch Goīy 'Deific Marissa' Mpf̄ Vúchvé̄ Hä̋nḱ Cúó̄sh Goīy within the Huj̼ Kēijash Maquis in time immemorial. Cóch Goīy 'Deific Marissa' Mpf̄ Vúchvé̄ Hä̋nḱ Cúó̄sh Goīy's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 7th century.