Sheirpp Pink

Sheirpp Pink

Sheirpp Pink is a annual simmilar to Sunflower and Wax Begonia. Sheirpp Pink's properties are entirly magical in nature and is uniquly useful in goldsmithing. Sheirpp Pink was first discovered by the adventurer Ra̋mpf̄r Ha̋mpf̄ 'Devon Flame' Mbóch Ha̋ńnḱ Gó̄boīs Shêmeg̈nm within the Yöt-nrem Moor in time immemorial. Ra̋mpf̄r Ha̋mpf̄ 'Devon Flame' Mbóch Ha̋ńnḱ Gó̄boīs Shêmeg̈nm's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the late 3rd century.