

Shguemene is a glassey smooth silver ore with splotches of black and burgundy Shguemene's properties are entirly magical in nature and is uniquly useful in goldsmithing. Shguemene was first discovered by the miner Ca̋chvë̂ Mp̪f̄ó 'Alexa Cassidy' Mä̌sh Ca̋chīb Ya̋nv vyim Yuvnocu within the Nofo̠ku Bǟk Shrublands in time immemorial. Ca̋chvë̂ Mp̪f̄ó 'Alexa Cassidy' Mä̌sh Ca̋chīb Ya̋nv vyim Yuvnocu's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the late 8th century.