Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Uegnier Milk

Uegnier Milk

Uegnier Milk

Uegnier milk is a gloopy yellow milk with a cream sheen which smells like cave rock and tastes like lime. . Uegnier Milk's properties are entirly magical in nature and is uniquly useful in the construction of weapons. Uegnier Milk was first discovered by the knight Gā̄nḱ Mboīnḱ 'Foxy Kimber' Ermp̪ftär Có̄̋ Vúchī̋ grw Meryatum within the Vîhè-g̈odoro Mêbebë Forest in time immemorial. Gā̄nḱ Mboīnḱ 'Foxy Kimber' Ermp̪ftär Có̄̋ Vúchī̋ grw Meryatum's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the late 4th century.