Whq Oil

Whq Oil

Whq oil is a wattery silver oil with crimson ribbons running through it which smells like ooze and tastes like fresh dirt.. Whq Oil's properties are entirly magical in nature and is uniquly useful as a light source. Whq Oil was first discovered by the carpenter Mp̪fēb Erménḱ 'Red Devon' Cúó̄nḱ Mbōkīy Joī̄̄̌ Glêmtco within the Goyecha Dal̄ Grasslands in time immemorial. Mp̪fēb Erménḱ 'Red Devon' Cúó̄nḱ Mbōkīy Joī̄̄̌ Glêmtco's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 9th century.