Wrtitt Laural

Wrtitt Laural

Wrtitt Laural is a shrub simmilar to Common Boxwood and Deutzia, which is most poisionious. Wrtitt Laural's properties are a blend of its material nature and magical makeup and is uniquly useful in the construction of weapons. Wrtitt Laural was first discovered by the scholar Cō̄b̪vér Sénvér 'Blade Brandi' Haw̄b Yaw̄̌s Vúrm Fflur within the Ngáijo-ftäla Meadows in time immemorial. Cō̄b̪vér Sénvér 'Blade Brandi' Haw̄b Yaw̄̌s Vúrm Fflur's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 7th century.