

Yeveeighttea is a shrub simmilar to Coast Rosemary and Firethorn, which is most poisionious. Yeveeighttea's properties are entirly magical in nature and is uniquly useful in the creation of paper and paper-like materials. Yeveeighttea was first discovered by the farmer Nīnḱ Mb̪f̄y 'Ryder Cayla' Gärmë̋ch Gä̋mp̪f̄ Béchīs Fards within the Sm-32r Nidǐ Meadows in time immemorial. Nīnḱ Mb̪f̄y 'Ryder Cayla' Gärmë̋ch Gä̋mp̪f̄ Béchīs Fards's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the late 5th century.