Liquid Ngveea

Liquid Ngveea

liquid Ngveea is a syrupy gray fluid with orange ribbons running through it which potion smells nightmareish and tastes like honey. . Liquid Ngveea's properties are a blend of its material nature and magical makeup and is uniquly useful in goldsmithing. Liquid Ngveea was first discovered by the guard Béch Vúó̄y 'Nicole Bug' Rā̄ Yoī Cú̄ó̄y Råghurv within the Gæchà Dûbu̹zû Meadows in time immemorial. Béch Vúó̄y 'Nicole Bug' Rā̄ Yoī Cú̄ó̄y Råghurv's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the late 7th century.