Liquid Veceeenn

Liquid Veceeenn

liquid Veceeenn is a thick dark purple fluid which smells like honey and tastes like rusty metal. . Liquid Veceeenn's properties are a blend of its material nature and magical makeup and is uniquly useful to miners. Liquid Veceeenn was first discovered by the trader Ma̋mp̪f̄y Séó̄rmē 'Martin Olivia' Coī̋nḱ Mb̪fē Séchvéch nis Itet within the A̋zē Cǔyerü˩˥mb Holt in time immemorial. Ma̋mp̪f̄y Séó̄rmē 'Martin Olivia' Coī̋nḱ Mb̪fē Séchvéch nis Itet's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the late 6th century.