Gnollish Yafaaf
Coin Denominations: 9
( 1 ) Anames |
( 5 ) Clerth |
( 10 ) Ain |
( 16 ) Phunk |
( 100 ) Hoech |
( 125 ) Geniple |
( 400 ) Ken Yukk |
( 2,000 ) Nainny |
( 10,000 ) Madjad |
40,000 Anames (4 Madjad Coins) = 1 Yafaaf Note
Note Denominations: 10
[ 1 ] Yafaaf |
[ 20 ] Yafaaf |
[ 32 ] Yafaaf |
[ 50 ] Yafaaf |
[ 200 ] Yafaaf |
[ 400 ] Yafaaf |
[ 3,125 ] Yafaaf |
[ 5,000 ] Yafaaf |
[ 50,000 ] Yafaaf |
[ 100,000 ] Yafaaf |
For Reference | |
A loaf of bread that costs $1 IRL: | 63Ken Yukk |
Food and provisions: | 34 Yafaaf |
Rent and/or taxes: | 87 Yafaaf |
Misc: | 15 Yafaaf |
Total: | 136 Eggrens |
A peasant farmer's earnings: | 140 Yafaaf |
An average citizen's earnings: | 355 Yafaaf |
A soldier's earnings: | 522 Yafaaf |
A house; cramped but adequate: | 1590 Yafaaf |
A house; average for a peasant: | 2850 Yafaaf |
A room and meal at an inn: | 30 Ken Yukk |
A basic horse and its trappings: | 63 Yafaaf |
A week's travelling provisions: | 16 Yafaaf |
Dalandic Atni
Used by the Dalandic Empire, the United Tauranian Provences, and by the Tetbur Commune as an exturnal trade currency (As a Commune, Terbur has no native currency.).
Coin Denominations: 4
( 1 ) Manumon |
( 2 ) Myineg |
( 5 ) Ehethy |
( 10 ) Ann |
100 Atni (10 Ann Coins) = 1 Atni Note
Note Denominations: 4
[ 1 ] Atni |
[ 2 ] Atni |
[ 5 ] Atni |
[ 10 ] Atni |
For Reference | |
A loaf of bread that costs $1 IRL: | 0.77 Ann |
Food and provisions: | 0.41 Atni |
Rent and/or taxes: | 1.06 Atni |
Misc: | 0.18 Atni |
Total: | 1.66 Atni |
A peasant farmer's earnings: | 1.71 Atni |
An average citizen's earnings: | 4.33 Atni |
A soldier's earnings: | 6.37 Atni |
A house; cramped but adequate: | 19.39 Atni |
A house; average for a peasant: | 34.76 Atni |
A room and meal at an inn: | 0.37 Atni |
A basic horse and its trappings: | 0.77 Atni |
A week's travelling provisions: | 0.20 Atni |
Dwarvern Skuje
3 types of coin:
Chunne (Tin) | Koppda (Silver) | Skuje (Gold)
(1) Chunne |
(1) Koppda = (71) Chunnes |
(1) Skuje = (10) Koppdas or (691) Chunnes |
For Reference | |
A loaf of bread that costs $1 IRL: | 0.66 Chunnes |
Food and provisions: | 0.36 Skujes |
Rent and/or taxes: | 0.92 Skujes |
Misc: | 0.16 Skujes |
Total: | 1.43 Skujes |
A peasant farmer's earnings: | 1.47 Skujes |
An average citizen's earnings: | 3.74 Skujes |
A soldier's earnings: | 5.49 Skujes |
A house; cramped but adequate: | 16.74 Skujes |
A house; average for a peasant: | 30.00 Skujes |
A room and meal at an inn: | 0.32 Chunnes |
A basic horse and its trappings: | 0.66 Chunnes |
A week's travelling provisions: | 0.17 Chunnes |
Goblin Zumíther
Used by the COnfederation of Goblin Tribes, and the Kingdom of Hobben.
3 types of coin:
Copper Zumíther (Tin) | Silver Zumíther (Silver) | Gold Zumíther (Gold)
(1) Copper Zumíther |
(1) Silver Zumíther = (37) Copper Zumíthers |
(1) Gold Zumíther = (17) Silver Zumíthers or (613) Copper Zumíthers |
For Reference | |
A loaf of bread that costs $1 IRL: | 1.24 Copper Zumíthers |
Food and provisions: | 0.67 Gold Zumíthers |
Rent and/or taxes: | 1.71 Gold Zumíthers |
Misc: | 0.29 Gold Zumíthers |
Total: | 2.67 Gold Zumíthers |
A peasant farmer's earnings: | 2.75 Gold Zumíthers |
An average citizen's earnings: | 6.96 Gold Zumíthers |
A soldier's earnings: | 10.24 Gold Zumíthers |
A house; cramped but adequate: | 31.18 Gold Zumíthers |
A house; average for a peasant: | 55.88 Gold Zumíthers |
A room and meal at an inn: | 0.59 Copper Zumíthers |
A basic horse and its trappings: | 1.24 Copper Zumíthers |
A week's travelling provisions: | 0.31 Copper Zumíthers |
Wareneese Fearoebu
Coin Denominations: 7
( 1 ) Yexil |
( 2 ) Swiftin |
( 4 ) Whito |
( 10 ) Gloomal |
( 20 ) Lemar |
( 25 ) Chrigrim |
( 100 ) Wraraf |
100 Fearoebu (1 Wraraf Coin) = 1 Fearoebu Note
Note Denominations: 8
[ 1 ] Fearoebu |
[ 2 ] Fearoebu |
[ 5 ] Fearoebu |
[ 20 ] Fearoebu |
[ 25 ] Fearoebu |
[ 50 ] Fearoebu |
[ 250 ] Fearoebu |
[ 500 ] Fearoebu |
For Reference | |
A loaf of bread that costs $1 IRL: | 0.84 Wraraf |
Food and provisions: | 0.45 Fearoebu |
Rent and/or taxes: | 1.16 Fearoebu |
Misc: | 0.20 Fearoebu |
Total: | 1.81 Fearoebu |
A peasant farmer's earnings: | 1.87 Fearoebu |
An average citizen's earnings: | 4.73 Fearoebu |
A soldier's earnings: | 6.96 Fearoebu |
A house; cramped but adequate: | 21.20 Fearoebu |
A house; average for a peasant: | 38.00 Fearoebu |
A room and meal at an inn: | 0.40 Fearoebu |
A basic horse and its trappings: | 0.84 Fearoebu |
A week's travelling provisions: | 0.21 Fearoebu |
Irisian Onnece
Used by the Convent of Irus and its client state the Viceroyality of Rosid.
3 types of coin:
Bost (Copper) | Getima (Silver) | Onnece (Gold)
(1) Bost |
(1) Getima = (161) Bosts |
(1) Onnece = (20) Getimas or (3,241) Bosts |
For Reference | |
A loaf of bread that costs $1 IRL: | 1.00 Bosts |
Food and provisions: | 0.54 Onneces |
Rent and/or taxes: | 1.38 Onneces |
Misc: | 0.24 Onneces |
Total: | 2.16 Onneces |
A peasant farmer's earnings: | 2.22 Onneces |
An average citizen's earnings: | 5.63 Onneces |
A soldier's earnings: | 8.29 Onneces |
A house; cramped but adequate: | 25.24 Onneces |
A house; average for a peasant: | 45.24 Onneces |
A room and meal at an inn: | 0.48 Bosts |
A basic horse and its trappings: | 1.00 Bosts |
A week's travelling provisions: | 0.25 Bosts |
Sylvic Tino
Coin Denominations: 8
( 1 ) Kukk |
( 2 ) Nuwek |
( 4 ) Cyer |
( 5 ) Guh |
( 10 ) Scite |
( 20 ) Eoy |
( 50 ) Mim Yekk |
( 100 ) Laubby |
500 Tino (5 Laubby Coins) = 1 Tino Note
Note Denominations: 9
[ 1 ] Tino |
[ 4 ] Tino |
[ 25 ] Tino |
[ 64 ] Tino |
[ 80 ] Tino |
[ 200 ] Tino |
[ 320 ] Tino |
[ 2,000 ] Tino |
[ 40,000 ] Tino |
For Reference | |
A loaf of bread that costs $1 IRL: | 0.68 Laubby |
Food and provisions: | 0.37 Tino |
Rent and/or taxes: | 0.95 Tino |
Misc: | 0.16 Tino |
Total: | 1.48 Tino |
A peasant farmer's earnings: | 1.52 Tino |
An average citizen's earnings: | 3.86 Tino |
A soldier's earnings: | 5.67 Tino |
A house; cramped but adequate: | 17.28 Tino |
A house; average for a peasant: | 30.98 Tino |
A room and meal at an inn: | 0.33 Tino |
A basic horse and its trappings: | 0.68 Tino |
A week's travelling provisions: | 0.17 Tino |
Pitchem Dwemes
3 types of coin:
Copper Piece (Tin) | Silver Piece (Silver) | Gold Piece (Gold)
(1) Copper Piece |
(1) Silver Piece = (51) Copper Pieces |
(1) Gold Piece = (19) Silver Pieces or (981) Copper Pieces |
For Reference | |
A loaf of bread that costs $1 IRL: | 1.97 Copper Pieces |
Food and provisions: | 1.06 Gold Pieces |
Rent and/or taxes: | 2.72 Gold Pieces |
Misc: | 0.47 Gold Pieces |
Total: | 4.25 Gold Pieces |
A peasant farmer's earnings: | 4.38 Gold Pieces |
An average citizen's earnings: | 11.09 Gold Pieces |
A soldier's earnings: | 16.31 Gold Pieces |
A house; cramped but adequate: | 49.69 Gold Pieces |
A house; average for a peasant: | 89.06 Gold Pieces |
A room and meal at an inn: | 0.94 Copper Pieces |
A basic horse and its trappings: | 1.97 Copper Pieces |
A week's travelling provisions: | 0.50 Copper Pieces |
Guild Honn
Used by the Guild of Engineers and the Federation of Alvari.
Coin Denominations: 8
( 1 ) Vaimes |
( 4 ) Chrolia |
( 5 ) Hades |
( 10 ) Myine |
( 20 ) Chrigood |
( 25 ) Fewin |
( 50 ) Vudnirk |
( 100 ) Xoly |
400 Honn (4 Xoly Coins) = 1 Honn Note
Note Denominations: 6
[ 1 ] Honn |
[ 2 ] Honn |
[ 5 ] Honn |
[ 10 ] Honn |
[ 25 ] Honn |
[ 50 ] Honn |
For Reference | |
A loaf of bread that costs $1 IRL: | 0.81 Fewin |
Food and provisions: | 0.44 Honn |
Rent and/or taxes: | 1.12 Honn |
Misc: | 0.19 Honn |
Total: | 1.74 Honn |
A peasant farmer's earnings: | 1.79 Honn |
An average citizen's earnings: | 4.55 Honn |
A soldier's earnings: | 6.69 Honn |
A house; cramped but adequate: | 20.38 Honn |
A house; average for a peasant: | 36.54 Honn |
A room and meal at an inn: | 0.38 Honn |
A basic horse and its trappings: | 0.81 Honn |
A week's travelling provisions: | 0.21 Honn |
Hellestrian Sone
3 types of coin:
Rout Mout (Copper) | Kor (Electrum) | Sone (Gold)
(1) Rout Mout |
(1) Kor = (227) Rout Mouts |
(1) Sone = (7) Kors or (1,650) Rout Mouts |
For Reference | |
A loaf of bread that costs $1 IRL: | 1.24 Rout Mouts |
Food and provisions: | 0.67 Sones |
Rent and/or taxes: | 1.71 Sones |
Misc: | 0.29 Sones |
Total: | 2.67 Sones |
A peasant farmer's earnings: | 2.75 Sones |
An average citizen's earnings: | 6.96 Sones |
A soldier's earnings: | 10.24 Sones |
A house; cramped but adequate: | 31.18 Sones |
A house; average for a peasant: | 55.88 Sones |
A room and meal at an inn: | 0.59 Rout Mouts |
A basic horse and its trappings: | 1.24 Rout Mouts |
A week's travelling provisions: | 0.31 Rout Mouts |
Norwik Vera
3 types of coin:
Copper Part (Copper) | Silver Bit (Electrum) | Gold Piece (Gold)
(1) Copper Part |
(1) Silver Bit = (82) Copper Parts |
(1) Gold Piece = (12) Silver Bits or (973) Copper Parts |
For Reference | |
A loaf of bread that costs $1 IRL: | 0.98 Copper Parts |
Food and provisions: | 0.53 Gold Pieces |
Rent and/or taxes: | 1.36 Gold Pieces |
Misc: | 0.23 Gold Pieces |
Total: | 2.13 Gold Pieces |
A peasant farmer's earnings: | 2.19 Gold Pieces |
An average citizen's earnings: | 5.55 Gold Pieces |
A soldier's earnings: | 8.16 Gold Pieces |
A house; cramped but adequate: | 24.84 Gold Pieces |
A house; average for a peasant: | 44.53 Gold Pieces |
A room and meal at an inn: | 0.47 Copper Parts |
A basic horse and its trappings: | 0.98 Copper Parts |
A week's travelling provisions: | 0.25 Copper Parts |
Current Conversion Rates
Eyom's currencies are pinned to the value of the Gnollis Yafaaf. The current value rates are listed below in terms of the currency's primary demonination's percentage of a Yafaff's value.
Currency | Gnollish Yafaaf | Dalandic Atni | Dwarvern Skuje | Goblin Zumíther | Wareneese Fearoebu | Irisian Onnece | Sylvic Tino | Pitchem Dwemes | Guild Honn | Hellestrian Sone | Norwik Vera |
Percent Value | 100 | 82 | 95 | 51 | 75 | 63 | 92 | 32 | 78 | 51 | 64 |