Eyom Digital Encylopedia

The Afterlife

The Afterlife

Eyom's afterlife almost dosn't exist. Asside from the goddess Theckel, who has an afterlife albiet one with a physical location in the real world, there simply is not any such thing. One might belive this to be a problem. It isn't.

Death is not the end it is elsewhere in Eyom. People can be cheeply and easily returned to life by many diffrent means and institutions. This includes both true resserection / reincarnation and also necromantic methods. The undead are a common sight within Eyom, not only as dark forces haunting forgotten cornors of the world, but also as normal citizens. Many undead return for a purpose, others have done so because they wished to exist a little longer. Concequently, Imperial Citizens are advised to attempt to communicate with any undead before assuming they are hostile and/or malishiously evil.