Eyom Digital Encylopedia

The Beastblood Curse

The Beastblood Curse

The Beastblood Curse

The Beastblood Curse is a curse afflicting Eyom's human population. The curse is isolated to humans, with human-related species being unaffected. The curse was inflicted by the Archdruid He-Who-Walks-Among-The-Trees, a powerful druid believed to be the leader of all druids (There is some evidence to suggest he is revered as a god. His current whereabouts are unknown, though he is confirmed to be alive.). The curse instills Eyom's humans with the abilities of the animal world in exchange for warping their forms into more animalistic appearances.


In ancient times, the Wood Elves stole humanity's natural magical gift to command both bird and beast, Eyom's humans were left without the benefits of the natural world to which they had been accustomed and on which their civilizations had long depended. Before the theft, humanity could dictate the actions of animals as a watchmaker dictates the movements of a clock face. Livestock herded and exercised themselves, oxen plowed fields without attendance, birds delivered letters, all without humanity lifting a finger.

Then the Wood Elves stole that power and plunged humanity into chaos. In desperation to regain the power they had lost, the Twelve Tribes turned to an ancient enemy, but one whom they believed would be sympathetic to their loss. The Twelve Kings turned to the Archdruid He-Who-Walks-Among-The-Trees and asked him to restore the abilities of the animal world to them.

He-Who-Walks-Among-The-Trees said he could grant humans the powers of the animal world, but for a cost. Humanity would need to make up for the sins of their ancestors through a large sacrifice, one which would coincidently give the Archdruid the material components needed for the spell. Furthermore, the Twelve Kings would have to pledge to leave all druids in peace for a year and a day, regardless of what they may or may not do.

The kings agreed to these terms, and the sacrifice was arranged. The blood of every human child born was gathered and shipped to a ritual site where the spell was cast at the end of the year and a day (Modern analysis of the magics required for this curse and known fertility rates and population demographics indicate that at least 130,000 children were sacrificed for this spell.). Naturally, the druid lied.

Rather than restore humanity's natural magic, the Archdruid sought to put an end to humanity by transforming them all into mindless beasts. Using the gathered blood, the druids made permanent alterations to the souls of every human of the bloodlines present at the ritual site. These alterations took effect immediately, though the spell did not function as the Archdruid had intended.

Every human in Eyom had their body twist and morph, taking on bestial traits in rather unpleasant looking, often painful ways. Ironically the spell did indeed deliver the power of the animal world, individually, and in a personalized fashion. All humans at the time had a close bond to one animal or another, often the animal their tribe had domesticated or were otherwise famous for. The appearance and abilities of that animal was transferred onto those people.

Chaos erupted across the Twelve Kingdoms, bringing them to an end as humanity's social groupings, customs, and traditions, already weak from losing their command of the animal world, was plunged into the chaos caused by the differences between any given mutation.

Modern Effects

Two thousand years of hard work, breeding, and natural selection have given Eyom's humans graceful forms. For the most part. Some unpleasant-looking amalgamations of human and animal flesh can be found. For the most part, Eyom's humans appear to be various demi-human or humanoid species.

The abilities granted by the curse have also been amplified through the same means. Humans with equine features can run nearly as fast as their animal cousins. Humans with canid traits can locate objects by the scent of their owners. Humans with bovine features can and do create their own dairy products. These abilities and more have been their normal for generations, and form the new cornerstone of human civilization.

While some humans may appear to be entirely or almost fully human, it's important to note the curse effects internal organs as well as external features. An entirely normal looking human may not be able to eat plants, or could be far stronger than a human should be.

Eyom's humans can be said to have fully adapted to the curse. Removing it at this point would plunge their civilizations into chaos.

Human Tribes

Most of Eyom's humans fall into one of twelve tribes:

  1. Canine - Wolf and dog-based humans.
  2. Equine - Horse-based humans.
  3. Bovine - Cow-based humans.
  4. Gallus - Chicken-based humans.
  5. Ovis - Sheep-based humans.
  6. Capra - Goat-based humans.
  7. Bombyx - Silkworm-based humans.
  8. Apis - Bee and wasp-based humans.
  9. Felis - Cat-based humans.
  10. Varanus - Reptile-based humans.
  11. Tarandus - Raindeer-based humans.
  12. Scrofa - Pig-based humans.

There are many more animals that are represented in Eyom's humans. Bear-based and gorilla-based humans are mentioning in many historic events. Roughly 80% of all of Eyom's humans fall into one of the twelve major tribes.

Over the last 800 years, new tribes have been forming in some of the more remote places in Eyom. Usually, these locations have little contact with other groups of humanity and have formed some bond with a local animal in some way or another. Their children then have a chance to inherit traits from those animals rather than their parents. In time, entire villages morph into a new tribe.

Known new tribes include:

  1. Sciuridae - Squirrel-based humans.
  2. Vulpes - Fox-based humans.
  3. Ursidae - Bear-based humans.
  4. Gorilla - Gorilla-based humans.
  5. Naja -Snake-based humans.

There are as many animal traits represented in Eyom's humans as there are animals. Feel free to invent any tribe you wish, or have individuals with traits no one else they know of have due to a bond with a particular creature. The only rule is all creatures must be land-dwelling. Aquatic and Amphibious species are not represented within Humanity.

Additionally, it is perfectly acceptable for some tribes to be unique to the Sylvanians or Tauric Peoples.