Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Glossary: Bodyplans

Glossary: Bodyplans


Eyom, and the world at large, are home to many different species. Most species are related to one another, which has created a variety of different body plans. A list of the most common body plans and what is unique about them follows for reference.


Humanoids are a group of species comprised of humans and all other species descended from them. Humans were created by the Z̚oman to preform rolls their constructs could not fill, while also overcoming some form of ascetics issue the Z̚oman found within constructs which replicated their own forms.

The archetypal humanoid species is humans. Humans are bipeds with two arms two legs and one head. Humans have two sexes and possess sexual dimorphism, with males and females appearing different from one another. Male humans are generally rectangular in overall build with broad shoulders and angular facial features. Female humans are generally curved in overall build with broad hips and permanent breasts (Note: Female humanoids breasts are not typically lactating. They are composed of fibroglandular tissue, and engorge as milk production begins for a short time after a pregnancy.).

Humans posses a flat face with a small mouth filled with omnivorous teeth. They have an angular nose which is detached from their mouth and bridges to their forehead with a gentle slope. Their ears are short, low on the head, and notably round. The ears are the primary feature visually distinguishing them from Elvenoid species.

Humanoids can vary greatly from the human body shape. Many have additional features including claws, tails, fangs, and even muzzles. The humanoid group is defined by being a bipedal species with male and female sexes (which must be sexually dimorphic), and is in turn capable of producing offspring with Humans or another humanoid species.


Elvenoids are a group of species comprised of all elves and all other species descended from them. Modern elves are the result of Z̚oman experiments intended to engineer immortal bodies for themselves. All modern elves are descended from one specific batch of these experimental bodies which were animated by the kami of Eyom during their attempts to repair the world after the Irisian War.

The archetypal elvenoid species is elves. Elves are bipeds with two arms two legs and one head. Elves are a hermaphroditic species with each individual possessing a full working set of male and female reproductive organs. Elves lack sexual dimorphism along with males and females as one would expect of a unisexual species. Elves are generally curved in overall build with broad hips and permanent breasts (Note: An elf's breasts develop during puberty and continue to exist and function for her entire life. They are composed entirely of glands and fatty-sponge-like tissue which act as fluid storage containers. Their size changes depending on the current volume of fluid stored. The minimum size is still noticeable though can be entirely hidden with loose clothing. Thus, their classification as permanent.).

Elves posses a flat face with a small mouth filled with omnivorous teeth. They have an angular nose which is detached from their mouth and bridges to their forehead with a gentle slope. Their ears are long, low on the head, and notably pointed with an overall 'knife' shape to them. The ears are the primary feature visually distinguishing them from Humanoid species.

Elvenoids do not vary greatly from the elven body shape. Typically only minor morphological and pigmentation differences are found between due to stability charms placed on elves by the Z̚oman during production. The elvenoid group is defined by being a bipedal species with a single sex (all members must be reproductively male and female, and must reproduce through intercourse rather than spawning or parthenogenesis), and is in turn capable of producing offspring with elves or another elvenoid species.


Beastfolk are a group of species comprised of all species created by the Z̚oman as prototypes before creating humans. They were created by experimenting on naturally existing species, most of which can still be found in their original states in the wild. The Z̚oman often released their experiments into the wild, Beastfolk are those which survived the Irisian War.

There is no archetypal beastfolk species. Beastfolk are very similar to humanoids with two arms two legs and one head. Beastfolk always have at least two sexes and generally possess sexual dimorphism, though this trait, as all others, depend on the animal which was the source of the beastfolk species in question. This makes it difficult to talk about beastfolk as a group, as they very wildly. The line between a humanoid species and beastfolk was far clearer before the Imperial reunion with Eyomic humans, many of whom cannot be separated from beastfolk at a glance.

The true test for grouping beastfolk is reproduction. Beastfolk can reproduce with other beastfolk, but not humanoids or elvenoids. Some beastfolk can have children with other groups aside from the aforementioned two. Beastfolk also typically posses greater physical attributes than any humanoids, while generally possessing less raw magical capacity, though that is an average.

(Scholar's Note: The term beastfolk is seen by many as a pejorative. While the term is steeped in a good deal of the darker elements of history, the term has become the preferred name of many beastfolk peoples who are Imperial Citizens. This is due in part to most beastfolk seeing changing what they are called as the same form of cultural erasure their distant ancestors were subjected to. It is their word now. As such, the term is legally required for use in reference to their groups. Eyomic beastfolk objecting to the use of the term to describe them as a whole should write a letter to your nearest Imperial camp. It will be forwarded to the relevant office in the homeland and, should sufficient letters be received within a 10 year span, a Scholar will be dispatched to organize a vote for you to select a word for your group.)

True Dragons

True Dragons are a group of species comprised of all reptilian species with at least 30% arcane anatomy which also increase in physical and mental facilities with age. True Dragons are an ancient group, predating the Z̚oman if their oldest myths are to be believed.

The arcatypical True Dragon species are Gold and Red dragons. The split between metallic and chromatic dragons is not one of biology, but of culture. The differences in appearance between the two are due entirely to the arcane makeup of dragon anatomy and the effects of their birth culture.

The True Dragon group is too large and broad to make any general statements about their appearance. Generally speaking, you know a draconic creature when you see one. Of those species, True Dragons are the ones that improve with time.


Demi-Mortal species are not, technically, a species. The vast majority of their bodies are made up of arcane forces and principals, with most demi-mortals being entirely composed of such energies. In spite of not being composed of flesh and blood, demi-mortals have souls and act like mortals under the same circumstances. A sword that could pierce the heart of a humanoid and kill them could pierce the heart of a demi-mortal and kill them. The difference is that if a demi-mortal believes that they are stab proof hard enough while also having a large reserve of energy available, that sword wouldn't pierce their skin.

Demi-Mortals come in a large variety of shapes and sizes. The majority of them are former residents of the Planes which crashed into Eyom during the Irisian War and consequently became a little more mortal while Eyom's species became a little more magical due to the intermingling of planar forces. A list of demi-mortal species includes:

  1. Succubi
  2. Kitsune
  3. Furies
  4. Harpies
  5. Selkies


Thaumoic species are currently comprised entirely of a single species, the Quinn. This is due to their biology having no relation to any other known species. The word Thaumo comes from the Quinn language and means 'evolved', though not in the context of an ongoing process but a finished one. This ties to the Quinn's general belief that their species which did develop naturally has reached an end point of evolution, and are now perfectly suited to their environment, with any further changes to their anatomy happening only as their environment changes.

These claims are hard to dispute, given the advanced nature of the amphibious morphic octopi people that is the Quinn. However this alone would not earn them a formal Bodyplan Group as there is no reason to group a lone species. The Quinn insist there are others like them in the deep oceans, so deep that most species cannot survive the change in pressure going down or coming up. Between that and the ever present danger of sea monsters, as well as the blunt honesty of the Quinn, the Thaumoic group was created as a placeholder in case exploration of the deep sea ever becomes possible.