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Gnollish Rules of Engagement

Gnollish Rules of Engagement

Gnollish Rules of Engagement

This document is a simplified version of the Rules of Engagement created for the Sixth Gnoll War (2001 fc - Ongoing) by the estemed layer Mack McMoff. They are posted here for educational and enforcment purposes.

For contest, a Gnoll War has historicaly been a major conflict on par with the War of Herilk Independence in 928. The Sixth Gnoll War is more of a sport. Described in their own words it is to be a "Medium stakes contact sports for military industrial complexes.".

  1. Article I
    1. War and Battle must be fought at a designated position set up by the defender, the attackers MUST abide by this rule or else his claim will be considered unlawful and will grant justification for any future attack against said attacker, any attack outside those agreed upon zones will be considered a warcrime.
  2. Article II
    1. The use of major city/country destroying weapons against a target that cannot defend itself against such weaponry is forbidden except in cases where the target could retaliate with equal force.
  3. Article III
    1. Orbital bombardment is forbiddon, with the exception of except against vital military targets which were not anywhere near populated areas. In addition, this orbital bombardment may not exceed the required yield to destroy the target. If any civilian infrastructure is destroyed by the orbital bombardment, it will be considered a warcrime.
  4. Article IV
    1. Establishes the white flag as the universal symbol of surrender and truce, any killing after the commander of the surrendering side will be considered truce breaking, if the surrendering party doesn’t have a white flag on hand, any vocal or written giant sign will do the trick, or anything white really, if nothing like that is available the surrendering party must make it VERY CLEAR it want to surrender.
    2. An exception has been made for Clan Alia's Peak who traditionaly bears a simple white field as their banner of choice as it respresents the snowcovered fields of their home. This exception will exist only untill Clan Alia's Peak finalizes a new banner.
  5. Article V
    1. Establishes the right of safe passage under a sign of truce and conditions for its loss, the winning forces aren't allowed to keep potential civilian medical personnel or an equivalent to tend to the wounded during the truce/surrender negotiation, if the victory was achieved by orbital or saturation bombardment, the victors must pays for all reparation and provide the material.
  6. Article VI
    1. Forbids combat in cities - unless those said cities have been selected as the agreed upon battlefield by the defender, in that case the city is considered a battlefield and all the previous rules apply, if it wasn’t designated as a battlefield attacking or besieging a city will be considered a war crime.
  7. Article VII
    1. Forbids research, development, and use of biological, chemical and all weapons that will weaponize DNA modification.
  8. Article VIII
    1. Forbids the use of Arcana of Mass Distruction which damage planes of existance. Any attempt of launching a plain damaging/destroying spell will be considered a major war crime and will give any individual that can act upon it free range to stop the spell, except of course also doing a plain damaging/destroying spell
  9. Article IX
    1. Forbids declating total war unless agreed to by the desired target.