Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Irus, Lord of Malice

Irus, Lord of Malice

Long Maligned as the cause of all evil and wrong within the God Wall, Irus is not a being who makes themselves difficult to understand. They are one of the more on the tin gods of Eyom, with everything they do being in furtherence of their own mad goals. While their goals are indecernable to the average citizen, Irus is nonetheless always working twards whatever is plauging their mind.

Irus is a threat to all life on Eyom, though fortuantly their madness keeps them from being an effective threat. Irus is often times seen as more of a hazard or known risk by the peoples of the world. Despite this, the prople of Eyom attribute most everything negative to Irus. His name is used as a curse in most languages (In those it is not, his name is not to be uttered), and there are countless hedgewich solutions to keep Irus at bay, away, or even invoke his attention on one's enamies.

Support of the Wood Elves

Irus is the undisputed master of the Covenent of Irus, a empire built in their name by their chosen followers amongst the elven species. These elves are known as the Wood Elves, and are a limited set of aproximiantly 2000 immortal elves. All of these individuals chose to follow Irus when first awakened post-creation. Their immortality is a reward, or possibly a curse. The immortality takes the form of "total immortality" as while a wood elf can be killed they are always returned to life through a process they call "regrowing". Regrowing being a magic rooted in druidic craft which recreates an entire body within a massive flower's bud. Uppon blooming the wood elf is restored to life exactly as they were prior to their death. This process even transfers the orgional soul to the new body, and is believed to be able to recreate the soul if nessisary.

As if this support was not enough, Irus blesses a number of his followers with mystical power. While this is true of any god, Irus goes above and byond with his blessings, granting supremicy in law and power over the god's own holdings to those who serve him as clergy. This has created the theocratic nation-state known as the Covenant of Irus, and shaped it into one of the dominant powers of Eyom. While all other empires have been forged by treety, conquest, or kinship, the Covenent of Irus was handed to its citizens in nearly its current form as a direct gift from their god, Irus. Their expanshion of their empire was also blessed, such that it's noteworthy that all of their failed expanshion attempts did not recieve Irus' blessing.

Conflicts with Illia

Irus is the brother of the goddess Illia. Like many siblings, their relationship is strained at best. While there have been select instances of Irus coming ot Illia's aid on very rare occasions (typicaly when Illia's problem is also his own) Irus is outright hostile to his sister and her people. The exact reasons are not discolosed to the public but are known to some of the Covenant's highest ranking leaders. The majority of Iron Elves (Illia's followers) simply assert that it is "because he's a prick". The author of this document does not wish to dispute this claim, nor elaborate uppon it, as it is simply correct.

Synthetic Orgins

Irus is not a natrualy formed divine. He was created by the Zoman as a part of their culture's quest of self discovery and growth. The exact circumstances of his creation are lost to time and legend, but what is known is his sister was created first as a prototype to him, and that he was created to be a god to rule over what the Zoman deemed important, and to do so according to Zoman traditions and customs. This failed utterly.

He was created in a hidden lab presumed to be beneath the Covenant's capital city of Sō of Zö Qo̠ in Irusthrone, though the exact location is a matter of some scholarly debate as the Iron Elves accounts of their exodus from the lands of their creation significently differ from those of the Goblins, whom the Wood Elves created as slave labor but were able to excape. As with the truth of Irus's hatered of his sister, the exact location is known to the Wood Elves, and they refuse to speak of it to any outsider, nomatter how close to a Wood Elf that outsider may be in behavior.

Known History

While Irus' history is lengthy and well documented, there are but two major events worth noting in a summery of the Lord of Malice. First, the Irisian War. Second, the Irus Walks.

The Irisian War was a conflict in the ancient past which is quite litteraly the foundation of the modern world. Uppon activation, Irus went to war against a panthion of gods who existed at the time. THrough the aid of the Lords of Hell, powerful deamons Irus recruited to his cause, Irus was able to make war against an orderly and organized Planar Alliance of all other divines. Irus won his war, slaying many gods (most notably the orgional god of nature), destroying the old arrangment of the planes, and leading to the creation of the Kami through allowing nature spirits to absorb the blood of dead gods. These events shaped every last aspect of the modern world, but nowhere quite as much as Eyom, the epicenter of the war, and where the last god fell.

Irus Walks are modern events occuring at irregular, random, and randomly spaced intervals with seemingly no decernable patern to when, where, or why they occure. The simple definishon of these events can be found in their name. Sometimes, Irus takes a walk across the surfice of Eyom in his divine form for all to see. Sometimes he is accompanied by one of his Lords of Hell, othertimes he is not. Some Irus Walks end without tragety for those within proximity to the event, most do not. A typical Irus Walk will end with the distruction of a major city, devistation of a vast swath of land, curse uppon a species to transform it into Iruslife (a twisted form of lifeforms whihc Irus delights in exparimenting with), or other mass suffering. There is one case so wildly out of the norm it bears mentioning. There was one Irus Walk where Irus simply gave ordinary, normal, harmless, and even useful gifts to all the children of Eyom on the winter Solstis of the year 1985. The reason for this discrepenacy, as with the Irus Walks appears to be "he gets bord".