Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Legendary Monsters

Legendary Monsters

Legendary Monsters

Within the bounds of Eyom lies a particularly dangerous group of monstrous creatures called "Legendary Monsters" by the common folk. The proper scholastic name for these creatures are Remnant Beasts, as each is a remnant of the Irisian War. Legendary Monsters (term used for Eyomic civilian's familiarity's sake) were created by both sides by elevating monsters already strong enough to pose a dire threat to divine servents and lesser gods to even more deadly forms.

Durring the war, some Legendary Monsters were cast adrift from time as a means of destroying them. Had time not been broken during the war, this would have been their end. Unfortunately for the mortals of the modern world, when the Kami repaired time some of these banished Legends were caught by the God Wall, and thus imprisoned within Eyom.

Legendary Monsters are dangerous for three primary reasons:

  1. Their absurd might as a warforged creation of the divines.
  2. The longer a Legendary Monster lives on Eyom, the more power it gains.
    1. The mechanism increasing their power is unknown.
    2. There seems to be a cap to the growth.
  3. Each Legendary Monster's presence requires energy from the God Wall to contain.
    1. At some threshold, the number of Legendary Monsters will weaken the God Wall enough for Irus to destroy it.
    2. Many of the Legends intentionally act to destroy the wall as they are Irus's servants.
    3. Some Legends act to repair the wall, and are able to produce more power for the wall than they consume by the means of ancient magics.

Fortunately, the number of Legendary monsters appears to be finite, though there is no way of knowing how many survived and can or will emerge into the Material Plane.

What makes a Legendary Monster?

While many monsters are powerful beyond the beliefs of the layman, Legendary Monsters are not merely powerful monsters. There are a set number of criteria that make a monster a Legend.

  1. A bond to the land.
    1. Legendary Monsters are magically bound to a particular place. Once spawned they seek it out and take residence there.
    2. Should two Legends be bound to the same place, they will fight to the death.
    3. Their chosen spots correlate to no known geoarcane phenomena or patterns.
    4. After living within their chosen location for a significant period, a Legend gains dominion over the very land they dwell on itself in a manner similar to that of a lesser god.
    5. Legends can leave their bound locations, but rarely do so. They are much more vulnerable outside these locations. Consequently, some towns exist near Legends lairs and go unmolested for centuries. Occasionally, they have not been attacked.
  2. Being Godforged.
    1. Legends are always more powerful than their kin, should any still exist.
    2. Killing a Legendary Monster is simply beyond the grasp of the vast majority of mortals and even Kami due to their nature and abilities as a weapon of Divine Warfare.
  3. Great intelligence and personability.
    1. Legends are more intelligent and personable than their kin. They act as any people would, with wants, needs, dreams, and goals.
    2. Many Legends can be negotiated with, even if their kin could not be.
    3. Legends are not bound to the general trends of their species. Normally cruel creatures can be kind as legends, and normally benevolent monsters may be malevolent.

Classification of Legendary Monsters

Eyoms scholars have created a four category system to classify Legendary Monsters. It is primarily based on how long a Legend has been in Eyom for, but it is worth noting that if one Legend kills another, it can gain the power of the slain Legend. Furthermore there is some mechanism by which these monsters can spend their accumulated power to accomplish great works of spellcraft. This can cause their rank to be lowered if the energy expended is substantial enough.


The least of Legends are notably more powerful than their unaugmented kin in every conceivable way, though often not to any great degree. The most notable trait of all Legends is they have been given training in a particular school of combat. Many Legends are true wizards, trained to fight with their bodies as weapons in ways their kin cannot, or posess such fury and wrath that they can channel it into greater capabilities for a short time.


Mighty Legends have existed on Eyom for at least 800 years. They are more dangerous than younger Legends due to a great increase to their personal might. They have the power to heal themselves from the brink of death at least twice, and can unleash a mighty roar infused with magics that can strike people dead from beyond visual range.


Dreaded Legends have existed on Eyom for at least 1000 years. They are extremely dangerous due to their ability to know everything occurring within their dominion, possess full control over the weather within their domain, full control over the plants, animals, and people within its domain, as well as possessing the ability to shape the very land upon which they make their home as if it were clay on a potter's wheel.


Ruinous Legends have existed on Eyom for at least 1200 years. They are the most dangerous and powerful Legends with not only the ability to command the land they live within but can exude an aura that simply disintegrates people and objects which are unable to resist their terrible power.

Legends have not been prebuilt. If you wish to use one no one has before, you will need to stat it by giving the base creature the appropriate templates.

  1. Ruinous Legends: Simple Class Template, Mythic, Advanced, Cataclysmic, Dread Lord, Ruination Creature.
  2. Dread Legends: Simple Class Template, Mythic, Advanced, Cataclysmic, Dread Lord.
  3. Mighty Legends: Simple Class Template, Mythic, Advanced, Cataclysmic.
  4. Legends: Simple Class Template, Mythic, Advanced.

List of Legendary Monsters