Nation: City-state of Soheque

The City-state of Soheque

Soheque Flag
Formal NameThe City-state of Soheque
Informal NameSoheque
Motto"Here to stay. "
Capital CityĒji Éusk-īo
Official CultureGnollish
State's ReligionLabdsism
Official LanguageZräysian
Official CurrencyYafaaf
Total Population3,000,841
Urban Population448,985
Rural Population2,551,856
Area22,816 km2

The City-state of Soheque (also known as Soheque) is a a member of the League of Gnollish Cities, a loose alliance of nations in north western Eyom which loosly function as part of a greater whole. Its predominantly Gnollish citizens live within its 22,816 km2, and primarily speak Zräysian.

Government and Politics

As with all of the gnollish city states, the City-state of Soheque is ruled by a King or Queen. In Soheque, the sovereign is chosen by the common folk and serves at their pleasure, and supported by the banks.

The ruling class of Soheque are the most skilled of mages, with few exceptions. Their authority is precarious, its authority questioned by some, due to their current greatest asset, their firm ties with an important faith. The largest issue currently facing Soheque is the current heir is seen by most of the government as unacceptable.


The current soverign of the City-state of Soheque is [ruler name]. They only recently obtained their position, and have a ways to go before they are understood and trusted by Soheque's government.


The City-state of Soheque's millitary is below average for Eyom, with a few disadvantages and not very many banes. It favors an antiquated millitary compossion with its troops being almost entirly infantry. It makes up for these shortfalls with mandatory conscription of sourcerors, and other mages. Soheque's millitary is known for its embrasure of traditional combat methods, and being slow to adopt any new aracana or tech.

The millitary favors a doctrine of combined operations in its millitary operations, but is willing and able to use others should the need arise. Soheque's armed forces are mostly of volenteers with some conscripts in times of war, which generaly view themselves as a caste of warriors above from civilians who are more of an orniment for their nation to wear than a sword or shield, by remaining ever ready for war.

Soheque's millitary has roughly the following composision:<\p>



While Soheque is predominantly Gnollish, it of course has several cultural elements which are distinctly its own.


The City-state of Soheque was founded in the year 1348 Farmer's Count when [founder name] was judged the wisest and most virtuous noble in [prior nation] and reformed its government into the City-state of Soheque. The five most significant historical events in their history are:

  1. 1932 F.R.: A barbarian invasion which resolved when a brilliant and inspirational leader arose.
  2. 1659 F.R.: A natural disasters which resolved when a brilliant and inspirational leader arose.
  3. 1555 F.R.: A decadent society or a great social evil they endured through grim determination and attrition.
  4. 1736 F.R.: A decadent society or a great social evil they endured through grim determination and attrition.
  5. 1560 F.R.: A divine wrath upon them through which faith carried them through.