Nation: Federation of Alveria

The Federation of Alveria

Alveria Flag
Formal NameThe Federation of Alveria
Informal NameAlveria
Motto"In the footsteps of our creators. "
Capital CityZě Ci-34q Khun
Official CultureConstructi
State's ReligionThe Seven Titans
Official LanguageWamzèian
Official CurrencyHonn
Total Population56,813,954
Urban Population6,181,390
Rural Population50,632,564
Area3,035,654 km2

The Federation of Alveria (also known as Alveria) is a a federation of states located within south east Eyom. Its predominantly Constructi citizens live within its 3,035,654 km2, and primarily speak Wamzèian.

Government and Politics

The Federation of Alveria is run by the System Administrator (aka SysAdmin) who serves as the nation's Sovereign. In Alveria, the sovereign is a member of a particular clan who has held onto power longer than most can remeber, and supported by various bureaucratic organizations run by the common people.

The ruling class of Alveria are the most skilled of mages, with few exceptions. Their authority is relatively stable, with strong legitimacy, due to their current greatest asset, their fiercely loyal military. The largest issue currently facing Alveria is a group of ministers are attempting to usurp power.


The current soverign of the Federation of Alveria is [ruler name]. They have a small number of strong ties with certain allies within Alveria's government, but are not broadly supported.


The Federation of Alveria's millitary is ahead of the curve for Eyom, with few problems and a few serious advantages. It favors a mixture of armored calvory and special forces, leaving its infantry as a rear guard. Alveria uses airships in the conventional fashion, as troop transport and commandposts, but has been known to attempt to develop air-based artillery platforms from time to time. Alveria's armed forces eschews magical solutions whenever possible.

The millitary favors a doctrine of power projection in its millitary operations, but is willing and able to use others should the need arise. Alveria's armed forces are entirly of volenteers, which generaly view themselves as protectors of the people who are more of an orniment for their nation to wear than a sword or shield, by applying violence as needed.

Alveria's millitary has roughly the following composision:



While Alveria is predominantly Constructi, it of course has several cultural elements which are distinctly its own.


The Federation of Alveria was founded in the year 482 Farmer's Count when [founder name] crushed the last of several armies struggling for domminance over the region, and thereby became [leader type]. The five most significant historical events in their history are:

  1. 1528 F.R.: A incompetent governance resolved with economic brilliance and trading acumen.
  2. 1036 F.R.: A barbarian invasion which resolved when a brilliant and inspirational leader arose.
  3. 1318 F.R.: A internal refugees from disaster handled via ruthless but effective sacrifices.
  4. 1616 F.R.: A religious or ideological excess handled via ruthless but effective sacrifices.
  5. 1683 F.R.: A loss of cultural confidence handled via ruthless but effective sacrifices.