Nation: Kingdom of Helsteria

The Kingdom of Helsteria

Helsteria Flag
Formal NameThe Kingdom of Helsteria
Informal NameHelsteria
Motto"Reap what you sow. "
Capital CityGrovemont
Official CultureSylvin
State's ReligionCourt of Kami
Official LanguageSylvin
Official CurrencySone
Total Population13,912,947
Urban Population1,667,413
Rural Population12,245,534
Area516,729 km2

The Kingdom of Helsteria (also known as Helsteria) is a a constitutional monarchy located in central Eyom. Its predominantly Sylvin citizens live within its 516,729 km2, and primarily speak Sylvin.

Government and Politics

The Kingdom of Helsteria is ruled by a King or Queen who serves as the nation's Sovereign. Unlike most modern nations, Hellestria is an Absolute Monarchy, though the sovereign's power is generally limited by tradition and the legal precedent established by prior sovereigns (Though there is no formal rules preventing any sovereign from abiding by past rulings).

In Helsteria, the sovereign is whomever is chosen by a particular artifact upon the death of the prior sovereign, and supported by Helsteria's powerful and well respected judicial system.

The ruling class of Helsteria are members of a hereditary nobility, and old-wealth families who while not necessarily titled, have vast treasuries, with few exceptions. Their authority is has significant problems, but it functions, due to their current greatest asset, an expert spymaster serves it well. The largest issue currently facing Helsteria is one of the nation's grand schemes has gone disastrously wrong.


The current soverign of the Kingdom of Helsteria is [ruler name]. Their power over Helsteria is so absolute they may as well be the entirety of the government.


The Kingdom of Helsteria's millitary is average for Eyom with a few boons and banes. It favors a mixture of armored calvory and special forces, leaving its infantry as a rear guard. Helsteria uses airships in the conventional fashion, as troop transport and commandposts, but has been known to attempt to develop air-based artillery platforms from time to time. Helsteria's millitary is known for its embrasure of traditional combat methods, and being slow to adopt any new aracana or tech.

The millitary favors a doctrine of asymmetric warfare in its millitary operations, but is willing and able to use others should the need arise. Helsteria's armed forces are a relativly even mix of volenteers and conscripts, which generaly view themselves as a caste of warriors above from civilians who are the sword of Helsteria, by enforcing the will of the people.

Helsteria's millitary has roughly the following composision:<\p>



While Helsteria is predominantly Sylvin, it of course has several cultural elements which are distinctly its own.


The Kingdom of Helsteria was founded in the year 1814 Farmer's Count when the people of [prior nation] succeded in an uprising and appointed [founder name] as the leader of their new nation. The five most significant historical events in their history are:

  1. 1909 F.R.: A resource exhaustion which was overcome by sheer organization and unity.
  2. 1878 F.R.: A incompetent governance resolved with economic brilliance and trading acumen.
  3. 1949 F.R.: A scheming wizards resolved with economic brilliance and trading acumen.
  4. 1963 F.R.: A malevolent religion resolved with economic brilliance and trading acumen.
  5. 1825 F.R.: A tyrannical rule resolved with economic brilliance and trading acumen.