Pelala | |
![]() Pelala Flag | |
Formal Name | The Pelalan City-state |
Informal Name | Pelala |
Anthem | |
Motto | "In spirit and truth. " |
Capital City | Ēji Pip-mïn |
Demonym | Pelalan |
Official Culture | Gnollish |
State's Religion | Labdsism |
Official Language | Zräysian |
Official Currency | Yafaaf |
Total Population | 1,841,823 |
Urban Population | 424,348 |
Rural Population | 1,417,475 |
Area | 5,692 km2 |
The Pelalan City-state (also known as Pelala) is a a member of the League of Gnollish Cities, a loose alliance of nations in north western Eyom which loosly function as part of a greater whole. Its predominantly Gnollish citizens live within its 5,692 km2, and primarily speak Zräysian.
As with all of the gnollish city states, the Pelalan City-state is ruled by a King or Queen. In Pelala, the sovereign is the most powerful (or wealthy) merchant within Pelala's bounds, and supported by an ancient system of Kami based blessings and curses.
The ruling class of Pelala are members of a hereditary nobility, and old-wealth families who while not necessarily titled, have vast treasuries, with few exceptions. Their authority is stable enough endure even fierce shocks, due to their current greatest asset, their extremely efficient bureaucracy. The largest issue currently facing Pelala is a diplomat has bungled something proper fierce.
The current soverign of the Pelalan City-state is [ruler name]. They are an outsider with few allies within Pelala's government.
The Pelalan City-state's millitary is below average for Eyom, with a few disadvantages and not very many banes. It favors a mixture of armored calvory and special forces, leaving its infantry as a rear guard. Pelala uses airships in the conventional fashion, as troop transport and commandposts, but has been known to attempt to develop air-based artillery platforms from time to time. Pelala's millitary uses a balnce of arcane and technological based systems.
The millitary favors a doctrine of defence diplomacy in its millitary operations, but is willing and able to use others should the need arise. Pelala's armed forces are a relativly even mix of volenteers and conscripts, which generaly view themselves as warriors for justice who bring an end to tyrany, by being an immovable wall.
Pelala's millitary has roughly the following composision:<\p>
While Pelala is predominantly Gnollish, it of course has several cultural elements which are distinctly its own.
The Pelalan City-state was founded in the year 1914 Farmer's Count by [founder name]'s sword. The five most significant historical events in their history are: