Tauricland | |
![]() Tauricland Flag | |
Formal Name | The Tauranian United Provinces |
Informal Name | Tauricland |
Anthem | |
Motto | "Sow knowledge, reap wisdom. " |
Capital City | Qi̘v Tstēogirfíh |
Demonym | Tauric |
Official Culture | Tauric |
State's Religion | Macketerism |
Official Language | Wèshèti |
Official Currency | Dwemes |
Total Population | 7,303,936 |
Urban Population | 1,757,671 |
Rural Population | 5,546,265 |
Area | 326,082 km2 |
The Tauranian United Provinces (also known as Tauricland) is a a federated republic in southern Eyom. Its predominantly Tauric citizens live within its 326,082 km2, and primarily speak Wèshèti.
The Tauranian United Provinces is overseen by the Provencial President. Their powers are functionally that of an Absolute Monarch, but they are appointed by a Board of Governers from a list of individuals chosen by the public, and serve for as long as the public does not demand the board replace them.
In Tauricland, the sovereign is descended from a noble bloodline, and supported by subordinate lords pledged to them.
The ruling class of Tauricland are the most elite citizens of Qi̘v Tstēogirfíh, with few exceptions. Their authority is relatively stable, with strong legitimacy, due to their current greatest asset, their access to powerful sorceries. The largest issue currently facing Tauricland is the current heir is seen by most of the government as unacceptable.
The current soverign of the Tauranian United Provinces is [ruler name]. Their power over Tauricland is so absolute they may as well be the entirety of the government.
The Tauranian United Provinces's millitary is average for Eyom with a few boons and banes. It favors a mixture of armored calvory and special forces, leaving its infantry as a rear guard. Tauricland uses airships in the conventional fashion, as troop transport and commandposts, but has been known to attempt to develop air-based artillery platforms from time to time. Tauricland's armed forces eschew technological options wherever possible.
The millitary favors a doctrine of technological supremacy in its millitary operations, but is willing and able to use others should the need arise. Tauricland's armed forces are a mixture of volenteer specilists and constructs, which generaly view themselves as a caste of warriors appart from civilians who defend the state more than the people, by being an immovable wall.
Tauricland's millitary has roughly the following composision:<\p>
While Tauricland is predominantly Tauric, it of course has several cultural elements which are distinctly its own.
The Tauranian United Provinces was founded in the year 501 Farmer's Count when [founder name] crushed the last of several armies struggling for domminance over the region, and thereby became [leader type]. The five most significant historical events in their history are: