Nation: United Kingdom of Undermountain

The United Kingdom of Undermountain

Undermountain Flag
Formal NameThe United Kingdom of Undermountain
Informal NameUndermountain
Motto"Rock and stone"
Capital CityOrcäbn Nabÿh Cewkez
Official CultureDwarvern
State's ReligionThe Apprenticeship
Official LanguageKhegdian
Official CurrencySkuje
Total Population14,568,594
Urban Population4,609,747
Rural Population9,958,847
Area930,742 km2

The United Kingdom of Undermountain (also known as Undermountain) is a a league of monarchies serving under a High King located in western Eyom. Its predominantly Dwarvern citizens live within its 930,742 km2, and primarily speak Khegdian.

Government and Politics

The United Kingdom of Undermountain is ruled by a High King or Queen who serves as the nation's Sovereign. Their word is law, and their power is absolute, but is traditionally exercised within the strict bounds of a particular code known as the Charter. In effect, their duty is to ensure all Dwarves preform their divine tasks according to the Charter, and normally act through their subordinates, allowing them freedom to heed their orders within the guidelines of the Charter.

In Undermountain, the sovereign is the most prominent citizen within Orcäbn Nabÿh Cewkez (regardless of their former station), and supported by various bureaucratic organizations run by the common people.

The ruling class of Undermountain are members of a hereditary nobility, and old-wealth families who while not necessarily titled, have vast treasuries, with few exceptions. Their authority is stable enough endure even fierce shocks, due to their current greatest asset, their firm ties with an important faith. The largest issue currently facing Undermountain is foreign powers are stirring up and backing a group of malcontents.


The current soverign of the United Kingdom of Undermountain is [ruler name]. They command a loyal core of useful supporters, and are thus well established as the true power within Undermountain.


The United Kingdom of Undermountain's millitary is below average for Eyom, with a few disadvantages and not very many banes. It favors a mixture of armored calvery and infantry, while using airships for close support and command centers. Undermountain's millitary makes use of advanced arcana above all else.

The millitary favors a doctrine of asymmetric warfare in its millitary operations, but is willing and able to use others should the need arise. Undermountain's armed forces are a mixture of volenteer specilists and constructs, which generaly view themselves as a caste of warriors appart from civilians who defend the state more than the people, by enforcing the will of the people.

Undermountain's millitary has roughly the following composision:<\p>



While Undermountain is predominantly Dwarvern, it of course has several cultural elements which are distinctly its own.


The United Kingdom of Undermountain was founded in the year 404 Farmer's Count by [founder name], who was so beloved as a noble an uprising occured simply to make them [leader type]. The five most significant historical events in their history are:

  1. 1211 F.R.: A loss of cultural confidence that they overcome through diplomatic ties and outside help.
  2. 1085 F.R.: A unsuccessful expansion that they overcome through diplomatic ties and outside help.
  3. 1739 F.R.: A usurpers seizing control that they overcome through diplomatic ties and outside help.
  4. 1363 F.R.: A miserable poverty that they overcome through diplomatic ties and outside help.
  5. 1402 F.R.: A incompetent governance resolved with economic brilliance and trading acumen.