Nation: Warrenese Shogunate

The Warrenese Shogunate

Warren Flag
Formal NameThe Warrenese Shogunate
Informal NameWarren
Motto"United in strife, together in peace. "
Capital CityChyûchû Rûyu̽ Mudâ
Official CultureWareneese
State's ReligionLabdsism
Official LanguageS̺uran
Official CurrencyFearoebu
Total Population30,339,244
Urban Population11,763,269
Rural Population18,575,975
Area1,901,914 km2

The Warrenese Shogunate (also known as Warren) is a a union of empires located within central Eyom. Its predominantly Wareneese citizens live within its 1,901,914 km2, and primarily speak S̺uran.

Government and Politics

The Warrenese Shogunate is a League of Empires which answer to a Holy Emperor (also called Divine Emperor, God-Emperor, and Emperor of Emperors) who serves as the nation's Sovereign, but rarely makes decisions or rulings that effect the Empires within the Shogunate directly. Rather the Holy Emperor provides orders, goals, and instructions to the Emperors of the Warrens who then direct their own subordinates to serve these goals as they see fit.

In Warren, the sovereign is a member of a particular clan who has held onto power longer than most can remeber, and supported by subordinate lords pledged to them.

The ruling class of Warren are members of the Labdsism's clergy, with few exceptions. Their authority is stable enough endure even fierce shocks, due to their current greatest asset, their nobles arcane powers. The largest issue currently facing Warren is the sovereign's attempts to crush an insubordinate who has obtained too much power.


The current soverign of the Warrenese Shogunate is [ruler name]. Their power over Warren is so absolute they may as well be the entirety of the government.


The Warrenese Shogunate's millitary is sub par for Eyom, with so many drawbacks it could use major reforms. It favors an antiquated millitary compossion with its troops being almost entirly infantry. It makes up for these shortfalls with mandatory conscription of sourcerors, and other mages. Warren's armed forces eschew technological options wherever possible.

The millitary favors a doctrine of total war in its millitary operations, but is willing and able to use others should the need arise. Warren's armed forces are a mixture of volenteer specilists and constructs, which generaly view themselves as protectors of the people who are the sword of Warren, by bringing war to the deserving.

Warren's millitary has roughly the following composision:<\p>



While Warren is predominantly Wareneese, it of course has several cultural elements which are distinctly its own.


The Warrenese Shogunate was founded in the year 969 Farmer's Count by [founder name] after leading a successful revolt against [prior nation name]. The five most significant historical events in their history are:

  1. 978 F.R.: A domineering neighbor which they handled through the skillful use of magic.
  2. 1738 F.R.: A failed external war that they overcome through diplomatic ties and outside help.
  3. 1837 F.R.: A religious or ideological excess that they overcome through diplomatic ties and outside help.
  4. 1996 F.R.: A failed external war that they overcome through diplomatic ties and outside help.
  5. 1338 F.R.: A miserable poverty that they overcome through diplomatic ties and outside help.