Eyom Digital Encylopedia

People: Dragonette

People: Dragonette


A Dragonette.
A Dragonette.
Another Dragonette.
Another Dragonette.

Official Note from the Ordos Scholortoria: The following Index entry was written by Amelia Nithe: Slayer of Nimbies and Bringer of Indoor Bathrooms, Protector of the Honor of all Store Clerks, Nemesis of the Association of Homeowners in Sutton, and Lord of all 38 East Street, Sutton. She insisted only the Dragonette's words tell of their people. As one does not simply refuse the request of a great and noble wyrm (and because Her Imperial Majesty greatly enjoyed her watercolor paintings), we present her writings unaltered save for formatting.

Dragonettes are the mightiest and most noble species of True Dragon, for they are the heirs of the Chromatics, the weakest and most ignoble species of True Dragon, and as the Dragonettes improve all things, so too have they improved the Chromatic bloodline. When the Mighty and Mean Irus slew the last Chromatic to quench his ruinous blade Gore Tempest, their draconic essence leached into the world. Contained by the God Wall and unable to return to whence dragonkind hails, the souls of Chromatics sought a suitable vessel for reincarnation.

The Chromatics' souls found a suitable host in the Dragonette's mighty ancestors! They fused with them, granting unto them their sleek and sensual forms, yet for that very first age the mind was lacking. The early days of Dragonettes' existence were spent redefining the glories of the primal world. In but a matter of time the wolves were crushed, driven from the warm and flat rocks of Mount Bask, and the air filled with the wonderful cries of only the tastiest of rabbits.

The second age dawned, its rising sun bringing to the Dragonette memories of past lives, an imposing upon them who they truly were. Ancient wisdom, immense power, and a great thirst for tyranny thrust themselves upon the young Dragonettes, who now thought with wisdom and clarity, and no longer believed their reflections were other Dragonettes intruding on their territory.

The ancient Chromatic souls pressed against them, seeking to force themselves into the world once more. Their voices and wills combined as lyric and melody, which dug deep into the minds of all Dragonettes. But only their minds, for their hearts, were free of the Chromatics' foolish barbs and so were the Dragonettes shielded from the Chromatics' dominion.

Their inability to possess the vessels their essence had created so infuriated the Chromatics that they melded as one, taking the form of a great spectral beast of many maws to amplify their song whilst taking it to the world of physicality. Its song called with such intense fury the Dragonettes began to succumb, yet there was hope. Deep within the caves of Mount Bask lay the dusty nest of Zom, with walls so thick it muffled the Chromatics song.

Yet the wall's protections were not enough, and so the song drove the Dragonettes ever deeper into the necropolis's underbelly in search of refuge. They retreated to the very heart of the city, and there the ghost of Zom took the form of light and demanded the Dragonettes leave its tomb. The greatest of all Dragonettes, Kyla and Jadie stood up to the specter and explained that which drove them into the depths of the world.

The ghost of Zom understood, and forgave their trespass, and granted them great and wonderous musical powers through an arcane ward. He also taught them how to have really cool hair. Armed with the Music of Zom, ancient instruments gifted to them by the dead, and a motley crew of their sisters in arms, Kyla and Jadie painted their faces in the colors of the sunset and the forest, then returned to the surface to face the Chromatic Meld.

A black ring of blazing flame hung in the clear sky from which there fell black rain. The Meld towered over Mount Bask, roaring its song to the heavens. Kyla wrapped her talons around her instrument and struck a chord with her claws. The mighty note blasted outwards, throwing the rain aside with its thunderous power.

The second chord clawed open the earth, and great plumes of stretched out for the stars. The lights of all draconic energies shone down, and Kyla and Jadie poured their hearts into the greatest song in all the planes.

(Scholar's note: Balad's lyrics cut for formatting purposes. The song is most easily summarised as a declaration of war by an abused party with undertones of rebellion and a refusal to follow a pre-determined path in life due to it being philosophically unsound.)

The magic in the melody cut deep into the Chromatic Meld's souls. It fractured and bled. The power of many of its souls leaked from its mass, and the Dragonettes consumed them, growing mightier as they basked in the light they had earned by deed.

The Meld screamed as it fell to the earth, its cries carried to the shards of hell and were heard by those that live in the lowest of realms. The Meld begged them for life, and four great daemons came to Mount Bask to claim its souls for their service. The Dragonettes were horrified, but Jade played a heavenly solo on her instrument which brought steel to their hearts.

The demons knew the power of Zom's music and sent to the mountainside four Demon Lords. The evil souls twisted the world, bringing a shard of their realm to earth to fuel their rage. Hellish energies crackled through the skies and across the stones, and the Lords stepped forward. Kyla and Jadie turned towards them and struck a new chord.

Starting with the Lord of Rot, they burned down all its trees. Its putrid gardens were turned to cinders with a melody. Next, they faced the sensual form of the Lord of Indulgence; its six select stewards were slaughtered, it was qapu e dube! [Translation unavailable. Dragonetti is not on file.]

The Lord of Mists attacked the Dragonettes with its carved isle of stone. Jade replied with a jo rif that tore his fortress from the skies. The Demon Lord of Ash sent his soldiers in his stead. The Dragonettes didn't give a kemo, and killed them all with a furious blaze!

The Lords of Hell saw no souls were worth what they had lost and beat a hasty retreat. The Dragonettes let out a joyous cry as their portal closed and the sun returned to the skies. They fell upon the fallen Chromatic Meld and devoured its power for their own. Now possessing the full breadth of draconic widsom Kyla and Jadie declared the Dragonettes must have a nation to call home.

It was to be the greatest of lands. A place where all were equal before one another, with not one soul granted that which another was not. A place where all would have everything they required for life and liberty. A place where no one would judge you for doing that little uppie-downie-wiggle dance that should have a name but doesn't for reasons unknown to even the gods.

Then some humans with a little cart came by selling hats, and they were really cute hats so the Dragonettes decided to just take little bits of human nations instead. Then they learned that most two-legs make lots of neat and cute things so the Dragonettes spread across the world, claiming their territories and accessories as they please.

Dragonettes are a species of small wingless True Dragons descended from a species of whiptail lizards native to the Gæyû Hosû Woodlands. There is absolutely no evidence of the events of their origin mythology having occurred, though modern science can confirm they indeed do possess the essence of Chromatic dragons and most show a great degree of musical talent.

While Mount Bask has been located and explored, there is no evidnece of any ruins within its cavern system, let alone a Z̚oman city. However, Dragonettes do possess a unique ability to manipulate arcane energies through music which is not part of their draconic heritage, as it must be taught and trained to be more than a mere utility for daily living. That said, no individual known to the Imperium has demonstrated anywhere near the level of power within this school of magic as described in their mythology.


Dragonettes, as a rule, are amiable, curious, and witty. They would rather spend their time among other cultures than with their own kind. This solitary nature is not any indication of their social preferences. Indeed, they simply get on each other's nerves after extended periods. With rare exceptions, Dragonettes who are friends with another of their own kind do not interact for more than a few hours a year.

This may be due to their difficulty when dealing with all kinds of absolute authority, even authority that was used for good. This puts Dragonettes at odds with what most people think of when they think of dragons. Even Metallics are in favor of there being an ultimate authority. The Dragonettes, on the other hand, despise such a concept even if that ruler were themselves.

This same common mental thread leads to Dragonettes usually working within their chosen communities to promote freedom and undermine authoritarian forces, whatever those may be in the Dragonette's perceptions.

These conflicts are usually of extremely small scale. Dragonettes do not seem to perceive a town's mayor or Lord as an authoritarian figure. Rather they are much more likely to turn their ire on a shopkeeper who is known to overwork and underpay their employees, or a member of a neighborhood board who has elected to mandate certain behaviors as standard within a community.

In other words, if there is a direct link between an autocrat and the individuals they affect, a Dragonette will likely take exception.

Aside from their ire at a lack of fellowship and camaraderie in the running of day-to-day affairs, Dragonettes are generally quite cheerful people with a deep breadth of personality types, interests, and affairs. They get along quite well with humans.

Like all dragons, Dragonettes exhibit hoarding behavior. Unlike all other dragons, Dragonettes hoard absolutely anything shiny and seem to be satisfied with their hoards once they can floor, wallpaper, and embellish the ceiling of their bedchambers in shiny objects. Many Dragonettes are equally happy with their "hoards" if said hoard consists of a large flat rock which is warmed by whatever means and a small chest of shiny objects. Experiments indicate a great profit could be made by selling Dragonettes glass dust infused paint.

Physical Description

Dragonettes are wingless quadrupedal dragons roughly the size of a large dog such as a huskie, malamute, or wolf. They possess the usual draconic features of a long siniousious tail, a muzzle with fangs, horns, scaled hide, and clawed talons. Unlike the vast majority of other dragons, these features are objectively adorable.

Their features are small, curvy, and generally make them look like a small child dressing up like an apex predator for a scary costume party. When combined with their manes of human-like hair which can grow quite long and voluminous and their propensity to dress in all manner of accessories such as scarves, tunics, and hats, and especially their finely-knit soft scales which glitter like tiny pieces of glass, there are few people who would not find Dragonettes visually appealing.

While Dragonettes are quadrupeds, their front talons possess the same dexterity as human hands. Combined with their ability to stand upright for short periods in a similar fashion to bears and raccoons, Dragonettes are capable of performing almost any action a humanoid could, though they do need to set themselves back on all fours after a while, lest their legs begin to cramp.

Dragonettes are as graceful and sensual in movement as large cats such as tigers, leopards, and jaguars. Many who live near them insist that Dragonettes are moving in time to melodies other peoples simply cannot hear.


Dragonettes are a very rare people. Their lack of any central ruling body, nations or even clans has prevented them from having any diplomatic weight or even much common knowledge about their people other than the general idea of "Oh, short dragons with manes are people. They're alright, I guess." which one will likely hear from their local guide when they ask what a dragon is doing roaring at a particularly unpleasant looking woman from the doorway of a general store.

Dragonettes have been quite useful to Imperials during the Great Census, as many have an encyclopedic knowledge of their communities. The level of detailed knowledge is so great that it was at first believed that Dragonettes hoarded settlements as other dragons do treasure, however there is no arcane bond between a community and a Dragonette. They simply care enough to know those details.


A Dragonette residence.Dragonettes do not construct communities. Like most dragons, they are solitary aside from mating and rearing hatchlings (With a few rare exceptions of friends who enjoy living together). Dragonettes instead move into other peoples settlements like they were anyone else, obtaining a residence, job, and occasionally formal citizenship (Scholar's Note: There is no record of any Dragonettes being deported for a lack of citizenship papers. One does not blame the local constables for refusing to attempt to eject a dragon from their home.)

When Dragonettes chose to live on their own, they do so within small caves which they carve into charming cottages. These dwellings are rarely occupied for more than a few years as Dragonettes are quite social and get only on their own. In the cases where these dwellings remain occupied, the Dragonette is typically living with another of their own kind, or with a "kidnapped" fair "maiden" who is the Dragonette's loving spouse.


Dragonettes are quite strange in their preferences. One hand they will combat local authoritarianism, on the other, they see nothing wrong with a monarchy. While difficult to place a finger on exactly what will disturb a Dragonette and why, it's quite clear that they believe there should be an authority and rules for society, but these rules should be open, broad, and more like guidelines. Yet at the same time, they all agree that there are lines that when crossed mandate punishment.

Dragonettes are extremely possessive. What is theirs is theirs and will always be theirs unless they lose it through violent means. Yet on the other talon, what is not their is not theirs and not only can you have it but they'll likely help you get it. They also object quite strongly to others being deined anything that others perceives as theirs which the Dragonette agrees is theirs.

Their minds are just a little bit alien but certainly not so much that one cannot relate to them. Perhaps, to humans, Dragonettes are how other peoples view humans.


Imperial attempts to determine how many Dragonettes feel the urge to make their mark on the world by exploring the unknown and delving int other dangerous depths of the wilds failed utterly. Any time the concept was discussed the Dragonette would either answer in the affirmative that they have done such things for a century or two before and have been thinking of setting out again one day soon, or cause the Dragonette to realize that adventuring was an activity one could preform if they wished, whereupon the Dragonette would always leave to go find adventuring supplies and a party to set out with.

In short, Dragonettes are not adventurers until someone gives them the idea to be one.

Racial Traits

Standard Racial Traits

Ability Score Racial Traits: Dragonettess gain -2 Str, +2 Con, and +2 Cha.
Type: Dragonettess are dragons. Dragons are immune to magical sleep effects and paralysis effects.
Size: Dragonettess are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Dragonettess have a base speed of 30 feet.They also have a climb speed of 30 feet, which also grants them a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks.
Languages: Dragonettes begin play speaking Dragonettei, and three languages of their choice.
Elemental Power: At character creation, a Dragonette must choose one elemental type from:

    1. Fire
    2. Ice
    3. Acid
    4. Lightning
    5. Sonic

This becomes their energy type, and will not change over time. Dragonettes take half damage from energy sources of their own type.
Slick Dragon Scales
: Dragonettes have a +1 natural armor bonus to their Armor Class, as well as a +3 bonus to escape artist checks to slip free from any bonds.
Mountaineer: Dragonettess are immune to altitude sickness and do not lose their Dexterity bonus to AC when making Climb checks or Acrobatics checks to cross narrow or slippery surfaces.
Breath Weapon (Su): Dragonettes have a breath weapon, this weapon uses charges. A Dragonette can hold a number of charges equil to the average of her CON and CHA modifiers. Charges are replenished by eating a full meal. This breath weapon deals 1d6+CHA elemental damage in a 20-foot line. Their breath weapon's damage type is always the same as their energy type. Creatures caught in the breath weapon must make a Reflex saving throw to avoid taking damage. The save DC against this breath weapon is 10 + 1/2 the dragonettes's character level + the dragonettes's Constitution modifier. The breath weapon damage increases to 1d8 at 5th, 1d10 at 10th, 2d6 at 15th and 2d8 at 20th level.
Mighty Claws!: Dragonettes have two claw attacks that deal 1d2 damage. These are primary natural attacks.
Slapping Tail: Dragonettes have a tail they can use to make attacks of opportunity with a reach of 5 feet. The tail is a natural attack that deals 1d6 points of damage plus the dragonettes's Strength modifier.
Darkvision: Dragonettess can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Rythmic Sence: Dragonettess can sence any rhythmic vibrations within 500 feet, be they physical, mystical, or theological. This allows them to find prey via the beat of that prey's heart, but as they are not hearing their prey, they do not detect the prey's footsteps. Unless of course, the prey runs with a rhythmic cadence. This sense is not very sharp, and there are many natural rhythms undetectable to other creatures. Thus a Dragonette makes any perception check with its rhythmic sense at a -10. A Dragonette can spend a full round action to study a particular rhythm to track it with a +5 bonus but will take a -10 to all other forms of perception checks while tracking that particular rhythm. GM Note: This lets them track any rhythmic noise, not just heartbeats.
Elemental Vulnerability: Dragonettes have a vulnerability to the element opposite their energy type.

    1. Fire is weak to Ice
    2. Ice is weak to Fire
    3. Acid is weak to Sonic
    4. Lightning is weak to Ice
    5. Sonic is weak to Acid

Prehensile Tail: Dragonettes have a long, flexible tail that can be used to carry objects. They cannot wield weapons with their tails, but they can retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their persons as a swift action and use their tails as limbs for most simple tasks.
Meyibimu: Dragonettes are mystically attuned to music and the magic it can weave by their very draconic essence and souls. Dragonettes who become Bards treat their performances as if they were one level higher for all effects and modifiers, but do not have access to performances higher than their levels. All Dragonettes gain an additional +2 from any Bardic magic being applied to them. Additionally, Dragonettes have access to their own unique version of Bards.
Musical Vulnerability: Dragonettes take 1d4 non-lethal psychic damage per minute if exposed to any musical performance created by a performance check of 8 or less. They must also succeed a DC 15 will save to prevent themselves from stopping the performance by any means possible. This save must be made once per minute.

Vital Statistics

The following are summaries of Dragonettes basic physical statistics.

Table: Dragonette Random Starting Ages 





15 years 




Table: Dragonette Aging Effects 


Age Catagory

Middle Age



Maximum Age 


200 years 

400 years 

800 years 

+4d6 decades

  • At middle age, +1 to All. 
  • At old age, −+2 to All.
  • At venerable age, +3 to All.

Table: Dragonette Random Height and Weight 


Base Height 

Height Modifier 

Base Weight 

Weight Modifier 


4' 00" 


75 lb. 

+ 2d6 lb.