People: Goblins


A Goblin.
A Goblin.
Another Goblin.
An adolessent Goblin.

"Its okay to call us all Goblins, but if you want to be accurate... We're just gobs. I live in Meddowdowns, and our word for those woods is Méerva̋wēoǔ. That makes me a Gobméerva̋wēoǔ. Also, strictly speaking, I'm a Cǎyōgobméerva̋wēoǔ, because I'm biologicaly more suited to being sneeky than the rest of my sisters. If you wanted to say my name in Sylvin, I would be a "Stealth-slut from Meddowdowns". Which is stupid, because my uh... what's the word... Subspecies? Yes, subspecies! I'm not full on horny like your baseline gobbo. But they equate me liking to creep about as being "horny for stealth", and they're the majority so they made up the langauge and names. Anyways, since our langauge is complicated and kinda dumb, and not just to outsiders, you can just call us all Goblins. No one will mind. At least you guys can pronounce that correctly."

-Cú̄kīy Yoúrmë̌ "Zeni Melody" Ya̋chvónḱ Réchvé̄r,
Goblin ranger

Goblins are an Elvenoid people who were originally native to Irusthrone, but traveled across Eyom, eventually settling in their newfound homeland of Lin Forest. The Goblins and their ancient migration are notable for two reasons; First and foremost no other people as a whole have ever been granted permission by the Guardian Deity of Lin Forest to settle within the tropical paradise. Second, no other species, synthetic or naturally evolved, has ever escaped enslavement by the Wood Elves.

Goblins are a creation of the Wood Elves, specifically, their first attempt at intelligent life. As with most creators first projects, they didn't turn out how the Wood Elves intended. The intent was to create a servitor race suited to breeding the Wood Elves other creations, as well as rearing thost monsters, all entirely willingly as they would delight in the labor and thus, never revolt. Instead, they crated a species of short green elvenoids which have an incredibly elevated reproductive instinct, a desire for freedom on par with the will to survive, and a wanderlust greater than that of any other species known to the Imperium.

Little is known of the Goblin's earliest days as they didn't believe in the importance of history during their escape. While understandable, this is greatly frustrating to scholars. What is known is the Goblins were created using biomancy in the same fashion as most other Wood Elf creations, save that elven lives were used in their creation. However the greatest failure in their design is that while a goblin can indeed reproduce with any known species, the offspring is always another goblin (Or at least, a "goblinoid".).

The Wood Elves, angered at the error in their creation, elected to further modify them so that they may serve as shock troops due to how easily and quickly Goblins breed. This proved to be a deadly mistake, as it created the goblinoid variant known as hobgoblins, who trade their elevated reproductive urge for an elevated desire to test their marshal skills and abilities.

With their combat enhanced sisters at their side, the goblins were able to quickly breed an army in secret and revolted. The revolt went well, permitting the goblins to escape under the leadership of the ancient Goblin hero Mä̌sh Mēb "Moxie Raven" Cóń̄y Sēkīr Bēshī (Scholar's Note: Goblin names are lengthy descriptions of themselves. A Goblin's full name can occupy the front and back of a page within a standard documentation journal when making use of the minimum legally permitted font size. The abridged written names are still quite cumbersome. Fortunately, all Goblins use Sylvic nicknames due to humans finding Goblin difficult to pronounce. We will use abridged names once, and then their nicknames thereafter.).

The life of Moxie Raven is so enshrined in myth and legend that we have formally requested a dedicated Anthropology Team expressly to untangle the facts from the fiction. We personally put three months into merely determining her ultimate fate only to realize we were entirely wrong in that she yet lives as one of the Goddess Illia's Drill Instructors.

The following are a few of Moxie's purported exploits to contextualize our claim, provide amusement, and direct Tourists to some of the more interesting stories in Goblin Folklore. For full effect, imagine these feets being performed by a belly-high green-skinned plump woman with more obsidian-colored hair on her head than there is volume in the rest of her body combined. On to of which, this tiny woman wore naught by a pair of hobnail boots and leather vest:

  1. Used a bowie knife as a teething ring and made wild animals her playmates as a toddler.
  2. Invented the art of the wyvrenboy, which is like a cowboy only with wyverns.
  3. Once lassoed a tornado and swung it into a Great Elder Wyrm.
  4. Forged the first steel item of the new age, the mythical Doomsedge, which she wielded in her off hand to supplement her other weapon of choice, the maul called Realmhammer (Both weapons exist, its impossible to prove their origins or full histories).
  5. Exclusively rode bareback, and even then only on a dire lion named Rage, who would only eat food if seasoned with poison.
  6. Dug the Fō Lǟd Zlë River to speed up delivery of maple syrup for pancakes to her rebel forces.
  7. Survived a blizzard so cold that when she started a fire the flames froze by lighting a second fire to melt the first one.
  8. On a bet, she split a warhound clean in two down the middle, length-wise, with a thrown axe. Then stuck the dog back together, bandaged it, and let it run off into the woods.
  9. She once came across the skeleton of a moose that had died of old age and, just for curiosity, picked up the tracks of the animal and spent the whole afternoon following its trail back to the place where it was born.
  10. Defeated an ancient formless evil spirit by choking it to death.

While we typically do not discuss history in detail during the summarization of a people, it is important to understand the impact of the Goblin exodus and subsequent migrations on Eyom. Their travels took them across the majority of the southern, central, and western regions over the course of 500 years. Their travels were the first proof anyone had that Eyom's land was traversable across great distances, that the many monsters and other people of the world were no obstacle to determined travelers.

This sparked the first Great Migration, wherein many of Eyom's peoples chose to set off for faraway lands, settling where they pleased. You can see the effects of this cultural movement to this very day in the jumbled pockets of placenames belonging to random cultures, as well as the general multiculturalism found throughout the world today.

Goblins have also had a dispreportionaly large impact on the continental economy. As the Chosen of Tol, with access to all that Lin Forest has to offer, Goblins (those living within Lin) are singlehandedly responsible for the creation of the majority of alchemical recipes and breakthroughs and possess a mastery of alchemy an order of magnitude more advanced than even that of the Imperium. The other half of Goblin culture (who do not live within Lin forest), serve as cheep or free distribution for Lin's potions, as they migrate across all of Eyom as a predominantly nomadic people.


The Ordos Scholortoria has reviewed this document and concluded much of Goblin culture is improper by the standards of the Empire. We pass no judgment on Goblins by this statement. We are howeaver legally required to warn readers of certain sensitive subjects unfit for children are present in this document and will be discussed in a frank and educational manner for the purposes of science and education.


There are functionaly two types of Goblin, those living within Lin Forest, and those who declined Tol's offer to settle within the forest. We will discuss both in a frank and detailed manner here. Howeaver, we feel it wise to prempt this discussion by stating that the majority of Goblins in Eyom are of "Traditional" Goblin Culture and therefore are not anywhere near as extreem as their sisters who serve the Goddess Tol. We will discuss the "Modern" culture first.

Goblins are best described by the name of their kind. The word Goblin, while used by all of Eyom to refer to the green-skined Elvenoids reguardless of their sub-species or place of residence, does not refer to a species. The Lin in Goblin refers to Lin Forrest, their divinly granted home. The word Gob is simply the Goblin word for harlot.

What would lead a people to refer to themselves genuinely, honestly, and gladly as "whores of" a forest? Their relationship to the Goddess of Lin forest itself; Tol, Mistress of Jungles, Lady of Spring, Governess of New Life, Guardian of Lin Forest. In short, these goblins (who are allready rather fecund) devoted themselves to a spring deity, one which elevates their new life aspect above all others. This was much like tossing oil onto a fire.

By the will of Tol, Goblins have a unique form of rent to pay for their use of Lin. New life. All Goblins (native to Lin or not) are blessed by Tol with certain powers and abilities (Those not within Lin are blessed so they know they will be accepted if they come to Lin). These powers and abilities are maintained through daily ritualistic sexual practices, including regular pregnancies. Rather than give birth to children, the new life created by Goblins is transferred to Lin Forest itself, allowing Tol to maintain her realm with much less expense of personal energy.

As this relationship has endured for nearly one thousand five hundred years, and Goblins were originally created specifically to be the mothers of monsters, many Goblins fully embraced this relationship. Consequently, they are quite "loose", rather cheerful, and quick to proposition not only romantic interests but friends and even family. (Scholar's Note: As Goblins can only reproduce after making an offering to Tol to temporarily stop using that particular Goblin for seeding her forest, and are immune to all known diseases, Modern Goblin Culture they has no taboos against sex at all. This is understandable, given there are no negative consequences to sex for them behaving as such.)

Like all species decended from elves, goblins are hermaphrodites, posessing both male and female reproductive organs. Since everyone has seen what everyone else has, and also live in a swelteringly hot tropical jungle, Goblins have no nudity taboo. They often forgo dressing and when they do dress it's always in loose flowing garments such as skirts, loincloths, vests, and other things that can simply be pushed aside for adult activities while providing a place to hang pouches and prevent thorns from poking sensitive areas.

The influence of a Divine is no small thing, consequently, even Goblins who were born outside of Lin and never set foot there share the same looseness, cheerfulness, and overly friendly nature. Fortunately for all, Goblins understand that other species are not as free with sex as they are. Unfortunately, they tend to take it as other people not wanting to play with them or finding them repulsive. It takes a lot of mind-bending thought for Goblins to comprehend the sexuality of other people (Unless they do not live in Lin, in which case, Goblins have no issues comprehending the diffrences.).

Traditional Goblin Culture refers to the Goblins who turned down Tol's offer, and their decendents. These goblins, while lightly touched by the will of Tol, are fundamentaly the same as they were when first created.

Traditional Goblins are indeed rather forward and loose with one another (and their friends, reguardless of species) but are able to understand other people are not like them. They will respect boundries, not take rejection personalty, and while they too have no nudity taboo (and generaly dislike dressing for things byond utility), will abide by other people's standards when in their communities. Unless it's hot. One cannot stop a goblin from stripping compleatly if the day is a true scorcher.

In essence, Traditional Goblins are a mostly nomadic free-loving people who see sex as a frequient need rather than a sacrad or taboo act. Modern Goblins are in short, sex-crazed agents of a nature god which fule that god's realm through their proclivities.

There is more to Goblins than their lusts and lewd natures, of course. They have a fierce love of the natural world, which seems to love them in return. They're also quite competitive in a friendly way. Goblins love to race for the fun of it, will happily wrestle just to see who will win, and most intriguingly of all, turn even simple hobbies such as embroidery into combinations of races and formal sports.

Goblins are also innately curious. They have excellent hearing but poor eyesight. They instinctively want to know what's happening "Over there", and will consequently poke their noses into just about anything simply to know what is going on.

Lastly, Goblins are also natural warriors. If backed into a corner by a threat they cannot charm or befriend, Goblins will fight the threat to the bitter end, be it theirs or their foes. They are incredibly swift. You cannot outrun them. You can fight them, only to discover they don't react to injury with fear, but with an upwelling of determination. They will attack and attack with ever more force until slain. Or, until, far more probably, you falter, and that will be your end.

This also applies to attempting to avoid courting a Goblin who has taken an interest in you. Except instead of violence her weapon of choice is being incredibly kind, endearing, thoughtful, and making a genuine effort to understand you and engage with you in activities you like even if she dislikes them. And also seducing your spouse (if you have one) since Goblins seem to understand monogamy exclusively as being a "two-for-one special" on new companions.

"Of course I understand they're a mated pair. How couldn't I? I like them both!"

- Common Goblin Saying

Either way, their plan of action is the same. Unrelenting determination. Goblins love to play, hate to lose, and thus, they shift the goalposts until they win or are so utterly defeated victory is truly impossible.

Consequently, Goblin Sports are beyond mere spectacle. Tourists are advised to watch any Goblin sporting match they come across, assuming they have a spare week or so.

Physical Description

There are many types of Goblin. This description covers the baseline and most common Goblin. Other varrities will be added as reasurch is concluded. This will likly take the form of each having its own article.

Goblins are a short Elvenoid species who appear to be universally female by human standards. They are most notable for their size, as the average goblin's head stops just where the sternum of an average Imperial woman begins. They have body proportions unlike any other known species, in that they are extremely voluptuous and full chested, disproportionally so for their small frames.

The common man would think of most goblins as being overweight or even obese due to the bulk of their chest, buttocks, and thighs, as well as the light padding on their stomachs. In actuality, Goblins are incredibly well muscled with very dense musculature systems, and also a secondary muscular system that rests over the top of their primary one. This second muscular system along with a thin layer of fat (no thicker than two finger widths at most) is responsible for their curvaceous appearance.

The Goblin's incredible speed, great strength, and seemingly boundless endurance come directly from the secondary musculature system.

Goblins' facial features are notably pointed, though the points are connected by curves. They possess long knife-shaped ears, which are not only longer than their head is tall, but quite broad, and highly expressive in a manner similar to most canid species. Goblins eyes are notably large and vibrant, coming in any color one can imagine. Their skin is more limited in palate exclusively coming in greens, browns, tans, purples, reds, and orange. Goblin color perception is able to tell the difference between two seemingly identical shades of the same color.

Goblin teeth appear identical to human teeth at a glance but are actually chisel-shaped, and harder than steel. Goblins can easily bite through most substances and are fully capable of eating many seemingly inedible things such as wood, stone, bone, and even dragon scales (which are apparently a delicacy when roasted by the dragon which shed them).

Of course, the Goblin's most notable feature is their hair. Goblins have big hair, to use a local saying. A very apt local saying. Goblin hair grows extremely quickly and comes in every color imaginable, and even a few colors only perceptible by Goblins and insectoids. Their hair naturally forms a massive mane of voluminous poof (Pardon the unprofessional yet only sufficient term) which is generally speaking, larger than the rest of their body by volume. It falls from their heads like a waterfall. It billows like a cape as they run. The mass seems not to bother them, nor does it appear to become entangled on objects, natural or manmade.

With such vibrantly colored masses of hair, it is a wonder how Goblins can be as stealthy as they are.

I, Lady Jean Valemont Grey, take full responsibility for my current and impending actions. I understand the Lord Scholar's concerns about including accurate artwork of Goblins in this report, lest it be seen as an obscene work. Yet I cannot permit this to ship with his poor approximations of Goblins. A Goblin adolescent who has yet to grow her second set of muscles, and an extremely heavily edited oil painting of an adult specimen that looks more like someone painted an Elf green than captured the likeness of a Goblin will not due. I am no artist, I cannot paint vivid pictures from oils. I can sketch, and crudely color with simple water paints. This work does not meet the lofty quality expectations of my order, nonetheless, I present to you a portrait of my finance napping in a doorway with her hair wet from an evening swim.

yes, she is naked. That is how she prefers to be at home. She would be offended dif I painted her with clothing on, because then I would be preventing others from seeing her beauty, which in her own words, would "Make them see your beauty in turn, and you deserve that. Also they're uncomphy, itchy, and making it look like I wear them all the time would be a lie. I don't like lying. It gets complicated and stupid."


Goblins get along well with most of Eyom's people. This was something they very deliberately and carefully created over centuries. Goblins are not like other people. They don't seek power over their neighbors. They do not seek glory for their people through great works. They don't even particularly care for the acquisition of wealth.

Goblins value friendship. They have carefully ensured that, with the exception of Wood Elves, you can find happy Goblin-non-Goblin couples all across Eyom. They have even ensured the most people in Eyom tolerate Goblin's more lewd behaviors. This can be seen in instances where a Goblin might walk into a restaurant wearing only sandels and sit down for a meal without anyone objecting, and the only people to comment on it being children, who upon being told "Its hot, okay?" by the aforementioned Goblin, and then "Its jsut a goblin thing, dear." by their mother simply understood and stopped staring. Nor is any objection raised when a Goblin might jump onto a barrel to embrace and kiss a loved one in public view.

Indeed, objecting to these events often earns one harsh looks and objections from the non-goblins in the area. The Goblins have endeared themselves so much as to make their behaviors "just what Goblins do" to the point where only metropolitin communities object to their behaviors.

This astonishing acceptance was accomplished by "making our culture attractive", which is how they label the process of creating cities, roads, and all the other aspects of civilization.

If Goblins did not have deep-seated instincts to explore new things, as well as their long elven-like lives, they would doubtlessly not inevitably desire "exotic mates", to use a Goblin term. As this is the case, the whole of Modern Goblin civilization which one can find outside of their nomadic camps within Lin is their attempt at "flirting with other peoples". Flirting with other peoples being their cultural interpretation of civilization and the march of progress.

Traditional Goblins, meanwhile, are either well known regualr visitors who bring stories, goods, and foods from far off lands at regular intervals, or the suppliers of potions who live in the little village down the road. In either case, they are an important part of everyone's daily life. Especialy should a clumsy carpeneter need something to regrow a lost thumb, or a mother wish to remove a hidious burn scar from her child's palm after they touched a boiling pot.

Goblins see great works, powerful armies, grand cities, and geopolitical accomplishments exactly as a handmaiden sees a tailored dress, makeup kit, and box of fine jewelry.

It is impossible to explain the reality to them. Their natural instincts, behaviors, and Tol-Driven-Drives simply make them too alien to understand the reality of these things. That said, Goblins do an extremely good job at having a modern civilized realm within their havens. Even if most of them live as their ancestors did in migratory camps in the forest simply for the love of nature and exploration.


A Goblin village.A traditional Goblin camp, tents dyed white for the summer solstice.Goblins generally do not live in what most people would consider to be cities or even towns. Most goblins live in nomadic camps inside of tents which are moved through nature with the rest of their tribe (Which is often just a large polyamorous family) along ancient nomadic routes which take years to complete for the express purpose of getting to see specific places in the natural world change over time.

Their cities and towns are based on these camps in layout and are merely permanent structures. As Goblins create civilization expressly to make themselves seem appealing and attractive to others, they will build their cities as grandly and wondrously as the economy permits. Stained glass towers where every room has a floor-to-ceiling window, organic-shaped buildings made from carved stone, and even single settlements created by generations of Goblins carefully tending a living tree as it grows to create a singular structure are all commonplace within Lin Forest.

Goblins generally follow along with local architecture when they live in other places. Though they will do their best to always have the biggest, nicest, most picturesque and inviting homes in town. Naturally, Goblin "renovation wars" are somewhat common. Hardware Store proprietors love Goblin communities.

A Goblin city of stained glass, just before the morning sun hits the city and blinds any who seek to paint it.


Goblins are notorious for finding rules to be inconsiderate of the circumstances of life. They have their core values, they have their general ways of things, but there are always exceptions to be made for any number of reasons pertinent to a specific event. A crime for which one Goblin is drawn and quartered might see another offender simply forced to wear a woolen jumpsuit for a month without removing it (Note: In Lin's Climate this is almost certain death via heatstroke.)

The Goblins' boundless compassion and helpful nature, while altruistic on the surface, is deeply rooted in personal gain. It just so happens that GOblens wish to gain something that benefits themselves alongside others. There is much debate as to whether Goblins' actions are purely compassionate, or in truth selfish, just in a bizarre way.


All Goblins are adventures. They inevitably feel the call of the wild at many points in life, and will just wander off to find new people places and things before returning home. The only difference is how far they feel like wandering from home this decade, and whether or not they can find some friends (romantic or platonic) to hang out with while going places they are not supposed to and beating up the bad things there in order to rescue damsels in distress, sweep them off their feet, and have a lovely afternoon together before moving on. Unless the damsel wishes to come too. That's totally fine. But it's adventure time, so long-term relationships had best be mobile.

Racial Traits

Standard Racial Traits

Ability Score Racial Traits: Goblins gain +2 Dex, +2 Con, and -2 Wis.
Type: Goblins are fey.
Size: Goblins are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a -1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Speed: Goblins have a base speed of 45 feet. They also have a climb speed of 30 feet, which also grants them a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks.
Languages: Goblins begin play speaking Common. Goblins with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
Bond to the Land: Goblins have a +2 dodge bonus to AC when in any forest, jungle, or forest-like environment.
Fearless: Goblins have a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear effects.
Nimble Attacks: Goblins receive Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.
Animal Companion (Psi): Goblins have the ability to elevate and uplift animals. This functions as the Druid class ability Nature Bond but the Goblin can only choose the Animal Companion option. The Animal Companion's intelligence is raised to 10 at 5th level, and will become a fully independent person at 10th level. At such time, the Animal Companion may not wish to remain with their Goblin, and may leave. It may also dislike adventuring and wish to return home, abandoning its Goblin. It may also remain by its friend's side. Goblins treat uplifted animals as people, and will argue against unwanted outcomes, but will let the animal make its own choices. A Goblin can only have one Animal Companion at a time. Many Goblins leave their companions at home when they go out to adventure, as they love them and don't wish to see them hurt. Goblins may also take a fairy as their companion if they come from Lin Forest.
CHOMP!: Goblins have a 1d8 bite attack, and can make a free sunder attempt whenever they make a bite attack. Additionally, if any critical hit rules allowing locational damage are allowed, Goblins can bite through bone, and could easily sever unprotected arteries in the legs and arms.
Quick Reactions Goblins receive Improved Initiative as a bonus feat.
Jumper: Goblins are always considered to have a running start when making Acrobatics checks to jump.
Fleet-Footed: Goblins receive Run as a bonus feat and a +2 racial bonus on initiative checks.
Sprinter: Goblins gain a +10 foot racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions.
Terrain Stride: Goblins can move through natural difficult terrain at their normal speed while in coniferous and deciduous forests. Magically altered terrain affects them normally.
Low-Light Vision: Goblins can see twice as far as a race with normal vision in conditions of dim light.
See in Darkness: Goblins can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, including that created by spells such as deeper darkness.
Scent: Members of this race gain the scent ability.
Elemental Vulnerability: Goblins have vulnerability to cold and electricity.
Emotional Vulnerability: Goblins must make a DC 15 will save vs depression every night they go without snuggling up with a friend or otherwise having some kind of emotional bonding moment. If the check fails, all of their rolls are made at a -1 (damage included). This penalty stacks until the problem is remedied.
Near Sighted: Goblin eyesight is finly tuned for color, but looses sharpness quickly. Goblins take a -2 penalty to ranged attacks outside of a 15 foot radius centered on themselves, and another -2 per additional 15 feet. This penalty can be negated by eyeglasses costing 3 gp. Glasses are somewhat easily broken, and easily lost. There is a 10% chance that being struck by a critical hit damages the glasses, removing their bonus.

Vital Statistics

The following are summaries of Goblin's basic physical statistics.

Table: Goblin Random Starting Ages 





12 years 

+1d2 months

+1d4 years

+1d6 years

Table: Goblin Aging Effects 


Age Catagory

Middle Age



Maximum Age 


420 years 

460 years 

469 years 

+1d6 days

  Goblins are magically preserved in the prime of their youth until a few days before they die by the Will of Tol. Their stats thus do not change due to age.

Table: Goblin Random Height and Weight (Foot to top of head)


Base Height 

Height Modifier 

Base Weight 

Weight Modifier 


3' 09" 

+2d6 inches

93 lb. 

+ 2d3 lb.