Imperials are a human culture native to the Gekken Empire, a trade empire covering the majority of the Plānysian continent. They are descended from Eyom's 13th tribe, who fled Eyom after the Wood Elven theft of humanity's natural magic in 143. Imperials escaped Eyom through a gap in the God Wall (The Theoarcane barrier surrounding Eyom and containing Irus) which was being sealed by the Kami as the escape occurred, resulting in a minor battle against the Kami themselves.
Victorious, the 13th Tribe continued across the sea, arriving on the coast of Plānys after a grueling 8-month journey. Lacking food, shelter, tools, and other basic supplies, these early Imperials laid claim to the coast they had landed on and tamed the land through hard work and dedication. The harsh conditions pressed them into a tight-knit community, and in time the latent magic of humanity regrew, blossoming into an unshakable bond of companionship which carried them through the hardships to becoming the undisputed masters of Plānys.
In 1985, by the will of Empress Glade Fíodóir, long may she reign, Imperials began research into the God Wall with the intent to breach it once more that they might learn the fates of their brethren, render all possible aid to those trapped within the God Wall. This dream was made a reality in 1989 by the crew of the GES Venture-D via the use of classified technology. (Historian's Note: Unfortunately, the roomer that there is no technology and Captain Church simply punched a hole in the God Wall is false. It would be a wonderful world if any of our esteemed Captains or flagships were so astonishing.)
Imperials have since spread across Eyom, establishing infrastructure as local areas require with the intent of linking Eyom to the rest of Zo and learning all there is to know of the most mysterious land in the world.

Clarifying Note: Four portraits of Imperials have been included on this document rather than the standard two in order to clarify our status as a singular people. We are not certain why Eyom's humans tend to think we are comprised of multiple species. The current hypothesis is Eyom's humans observe the general differences in height and build present within Imperial humans and believe us to be different species. This is not the case. We simply have a large range of body shapes and sizes.
Like all humans, Imperials folk are quite varied in their general behaviors. With most people, a general trend of behaviors can be found through careful and close observation. This is true of humans but to a much less degree. Humans are agents of chaos, change, selfishness, greed, and also altruism, great compassion, unwavering faith, and endless hope. These factors combine to produce a species that is bipolar by the standards of any other species.
With all due respect to humanity, the following can be said to be its core, the set of behaviors around which any human species' individual members form their personalities. The raw iron that the forge of birth and hammer of parentage will forge into a finely honed blade upon the anvil of life's experiences.
Humans have an intrinsic need to be a part of a group, preferably a large community. This need is compounded by their desire to be highly respected within the affirmation community if they cannot be the most revered within it. Consequently, humans constantly make small communities within larger communities and seek out new communities. This is both a form of self-gratification and a deep seeded belief that if they had power, they could make life better for everyone.
Humans inherently want to make their own standing in the world better, and there is no better way to do this in their eyes than to be the one in charge of their tribe. Regardless of what a human does, they do it because they believe it will ultimately help others. At their core, no matter how misguided, no matter how uneducated, or misinformed, regardless of their specific beliefs, a human does what they do under the belief that ultimately it will help others or put them in a position to help others.
Even here there is great variance, specifically in the number of people a human seeks to help. They may seek only to help themselves, or their families, or town, nation, or even everyone. There is no means by which one can know this aspect of a human without learning it firsthand on an individual basis.
More than this cannot be said. Humanity may have instinctual behaviors like the majority of species, but such instincts are burned away by the socioeconomic circumstances of their birthplace and time. To know what a human is like is to know what their cultures are like.
Imperials hold true to this standard, with a few small notable details.
Imperials care far more about the natural world than most other human groups. They possess an innate desire to know how the workings of all of nature's mechanisms and amass this knowledge simply for the pleasure of knowing it.
More notable to other human groups is the Imperial notion of comradery and loyalty. These are elevated greatly from the baseline human levels due to the nature of Imperial's natural magical abilities. Imperial humans form bonds of friendship that are as ironclad as those between family for other peoples, but with everyone. Imperial familial bonds are proportionately adamantine in nature.
Imperial humans are nearly incapable of treason and other forms of betrail due to this heightened sense of friendship, community, and comradery. Any Imperial would gladly risk their lives to provide dinner for a stranger, for the Imperial knows what it is like to be hungry, and knows what it must be like to be the hungry stranger at that moment. Given this, naturally, imperials will gladly head into great peril to improve the lives of others.
We are kind by default. We care for all, truly. We will help in every way we can. This is who we are.
This mentality is sadly extremely perplexing to other human groups.
Physical Description
Imperials are the only unmutated human group in the known world. While in Eyom Humanoid means any bipedal species posessing two arms, two legs, one head, and posessing animalistic features, Imperials are the archetype from which the class 'Humanoid' is drawn for the rest of Zo.
Imperials are bipeds that possess two arms, two legs, and a single head. They lack any animalistic features. They have smooth, mostly hairless skin with a long mane of hair growing on their scalps. Their skin comes in a range of colors, all of which depend on the environment in which the Imperial was born. Imperial skin is darker if born in regions where the sun is intense, and the heat is typically high. It is paler if born in regions where the sun is dim and the temperature relatively cold.
While the sun is the largest factor in Imperial skin color determination, occasionally, in places that are most dangerous due to predators Imperial skin can come in camouflage patterns and environmental colors (This typically requires an environment of an MDI of at least 12.)
Imperial's eyes are universally hazel (as were the eyes of the 13th tribe from which Imperials descended), though some Imperials with non-human ancestry have flecks of other colors in their predominantly-hazel eyes.
Imperial hair comes in a variety of textures from silky to curly and comes in a range of colors from white to black with the gradient path flowing through gold, brown, orange, and red.
Like all humanoids, Imperials are sexually dimorphic. Imperial females are notably curvy with broad hips and noticeable breasts. Imperial males are notably square with broad shoulders and typically taller stances. Unlike many human groups, Imperials do not have separate cultural roles for sexes or genders. Judging an individual's capabilities based on their appearance is thus foolish.
Imperials are newcomers to Eyom, and have relatively little status with most peoples.
In the decade since the Landing, Imperials have spread across Eyom, at first only our Scholars but then our Engineers, Doctors, Merchants, and Settlers. Imperials are liked more in rural areas than urban, though this is likely due to the establishment of field hospitals and other such infrastructure which is open to all, as is the Imperial way.
As Imperials seek to know the whole of Eyom, we have had some dealings with the Wood Elves, that we might be permitted to explore their lands and culture for the sake of documentation. This has tarnished our reputation greatly. Neither we, nor Her Majesty, condone nor approve of Wood Elven customers nor practices. We simply desire the facts of the matter, and these can only be obtained with certainty through direct observation, interaction, and experimentation.
Imperials appear to get along quite well with the Taruic Peoples, judging by the quickly growing number of Imperial-Tauric families. It almost goes without saying that Imperials have a similar relationship with the Goblins, but it is abundantly clear that they too are friends with everyone, and thus, do not count.
Imperial settlements are planned communities. A city center is designed first, and great focus is placed on the placement of amenities, necessities, and ensuring ease of navigation. They are visually similar to Sylvanian cities, with more emphasis placed on small architectural flourishes which are used to characterize each quarter of a city differently.
Eyom's citizens are likely more familiar with Imperial camps, which consist of small log homes and buildings built to standard sizes and furnished with many creature comforts. These camps are also found within Imperial lands, and are how Imperials live while planning and constructing cities.
The majority of Imperial Camps in Eyom are focused around assisting nearby rural communities and are typically arranged around a central structure, such as a school, hospital, or logistics center.
With Imperial settlements, utility is the name of the game. Decoration comes later, courtesy of those who take up residence within them, in accordance with their prefrences.
Imperials, like all humans, are very vested in the existence of reasons. Humans need things to happen for a reason, and that reason had better have some logic behind it or so help you, us. Imperials, as a whole, have dedicated themselves to ensuring that everything a people needs they possess, and everything a people wants, they have access too. In Imperial lands, neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor the fires of hell keep the postmen from their appointed rounds. That which is ordained is done. That way nothing can disrupt your lovely evening stroll along the nature trail, or figure painting, or prevent you from finishing that nice book.
Imperials are kind and compassionate people who feel a duty to uphold the needs of the community, and those around them. While it is true that one can make tremendous gains by looking out for themselves, Imperials firmly believe that greater rewards come when all are wealthy.
Imperials are also inquisitive to a fault. They delight in mystery, and especially in unraveling the mystery and then teaching that mystery to do cool tricks and useful work. While other human groups might pull a lever and receive a galvanic shock and then never touch the lever again, Imperials will wonder if it will shock them every time, and pull it repeatedly. Furthermore, should the lever produce a reliable source of galvanic current, an Imperial will have found a way to harnice the shock for useful work within a fortnight.
The majority of Imperials, though inquisitive, are not the adventurous sort. However, those who choose to come to Eyom most certainly are Adventurous. It is safe to assume that any Imperial in Eyuom over the next decade or so is one who has trained for a life outside of the Empire.