People: Kivu


A female Kivu posing for a set of portraits.
A female Kivu posing for a set of portraits.
A Kivu female posing for a painting in her shadow form.
A Kivu female posing for a painting in her shadow form.

Kivu are a species of qazi-corporal humanoids native to nowhere. They come into existence due to the interactions of rifts between the Plane of Shadow and the mortal world.

When a mortal woman miscarries, she may seek out one of these rifts and beseech the ephemral creatures on the other side for a child. Oftentimes one of these creatures desires to experiance a mortal existance, or wishes its own offspring to experiance such a thing, and will grant the mother's request by transfusing a measure of shadow essence into her body. Provided the miscarrage occured within the last new moon, the transfusion will take and form a Kivu. A child of two planes, born to a mortal mother.

Small settlements of Kivu can be found everywhere within Eyom due to the ubiquity of Shadow Plane rifts, however, Kivu usually prefer to mingle with other races, ensuring some of them are found truly everywhere other people can be found. So long as that community is accepting of semi-corporeal semi-undead beings with a penchant for mischief and a bizarrely broad social net.


Kivu are mischievous by nature due to their inherent abilities allowing them the freedom to come and go nearly anywhere when and how they please. Kivu have little regard for privacy, but immense respect for other people's preferences. Consequently, the only way to ensure you are not trespassed upon by Kivu is to ensure the local Kivu population knows not to enter your residence uninvited. This is typically done via signage or rune carvings, though one can use the usual wards against ghosts to keep them at bay with certainty.

Kivu are naturally nocturnal due to their issues with direct sunlight, and will most commonly be active during the hours of twilight to sunrise. They will usually occupy their time with the many tasks required of a civilized society but cannot help engaging in child-like past times and behaviors. In many ways, Kivu do not grow up. They simply gain more experience at being alive. Many people feel as if Kivu simply do not become jaded through experiencing hardships, and this is likely true.

Kivu are friendly as a rule and possess the unique ability to remember the name, faces, likes, and dislikes of quite literally everyone they will ever meet. These memories do not fade, fragment, nor get misremembered even over the course of a Kivu's entire lifetime. If the rest of their memory were so robust, they would have greater minds than even the most well-built of constructs.

As a direct result of their perfect social memories, one can always be assured that a Kivu's social actions are always intentional. So long as they have been informed of your personal preferences, limits, likes, and dislikes, they will remember. If a Kivu bakes you a birthday cake that is not your favorite kind of cake, they are upset with you. They did not forget. They cannot.

They also have great difficulty remembering other peoples lack this ability.

As one might imagine, these combinations of behaviors make Kivu seem much like adolessents fighting amongst one another in the schoolyard who can suddenly snap to being the most skilled and experienced craftsman one has ever seen long enough to expertly renovate a room, only to then vent to their employer about how one of their friends wore the same dress to a party last week and how much that upset them.

Physical Description

Kivu have two primary appearances, one corporeal, and one incorporeal. In either form, a Kivu appears to be a very short humanoid with features reminiscent of an Elf. Their general stature is reminiscent of dwarves, though they share no other dwarven features. They are naturally plump, as if they were squashed down to their height while retaining their overall volume. This gives them a very short and curvacious look, with their males often being mistaken for younger elves from behind.

Kivu facial features are less refined than that of elves, retaining the ruggedness of a human's features, though they will not grow beards and possess the long pointed ears of an elf. Their eyes range in color from amber to purple to silver, while their skin can match that of any human, but tends towards the extremes with most Kivu having nearly-white or nearly-ebony skin.

Kivu have hair, which is human in texture and color, though the most common Kivu hair color is platinum white or pale blond, and the most common texture is straight. Kivu's hair grows quickly and messily. Hair dye and braids are common for Kivu who do not learn to control their physical form.

This is of course only true of a Kivu when they have chosen to be corporeal. In their incorporeal state, a Kivu's shape and size remain the same as their corporeal form, but they become transparent, shadow-like creatures with glowing masses for eyes. The glow matches their eye color precisely enough for Goblins to identify Kivu by eye color regardless of their form.

A Kivu's incorporeal form is centered around a small stone-like organ that also glows matching their eye color. This mass is their core, and can be thought of as equivalent to a brain. It is capable of becoming intangible, as is the rest of a Kivu's body, but has notable substance, as Kivu cannot freely traverse through solid mater as true spirits can, but are slowed down by the drag upon their core.

This core is most likely their true self, for a multitude of reasons. The primary one is that if a Kivu is killed, but this core is not smashed, the Kivu will reform in a few weeks to a month no worse for wear.


Kivu get along well with all peoples of Eyom. It is their nature to be sociable and have large groups of friends. It helps that Kivu have little culture of their own. They each identify with a specific species and culture from the very day of their birth (Typicaly identicle to that of their mother.) and will seek out a place and people with those attributes as soon as they are old enough to travel on their own. Once a Kivu finds their place, they will integrate seamlessly into the local culture and customs.

This integration is highly effective. Most people forget Kivu are not their kin.


Kivu tend to feel that strict rules are wrong, and value treating any situation as it is. To this end, they will weigh the reasons for a specific event before judging it. They see holding all events of a given kind to a singular standard as wrong due to a deep seeded sense of the ends justifying the means, as well as most Kivu firmly believing that you can do bad things for good reasons, and that is in and of itself a good thing to do.

Kivu almost universally tends towards believing that it is the duty of everyone to help those in need. This manifests not as a people who form an army marching across the land to smite evil, but as the neighbor who always lends a cup of flower, who helps the elderly woman fetch her water from the well, and watches the young couple's children on the weekends to permit the lovers some personal time. Kivu may only feel the need to help in small ways, but they will almost always do so.

Kivu can become violent (though not to the point of murder) if the same level of kindness is not returned to them after an extended period.


Most Kivu become adventurers early on in their lives. They are naturally drawn to traveling with the intent of finding their place in the world. Their helpful and kind natures tend to draw them towards joining adventuring groups, and even if they do not happen across one to join traveling Kivu will inevitably help those in need during their travels. It is widely believed that the Adventurer tradition was started by Kivu, however the tradition is so ancient (and began outside of the Elven lands) that none truly remember how it began.


A Kivu community.A second Kivu community.Kivu towns are quite rare due to their prefrences for merging with other communities. However, when enough Kivu choose to settle in an area to make a community of their own, they have a seemingly standardized layout for their communities. All homes will be arranged around a communal garden space, shared between all dwellings. These dwelling groups are connected by short roads to shops, workplaces, and other communities in as short of a line as possible.

An interesting note is that while the Kivu are short of stature, they create their dwellings sized for the larger races of Eyom. This permits humans, elves, and more access to their homes. This is both to encourage friendless and visits from neighbors, and also to entice like-minded people to join their communities in the least sinister sinister plot of all time.

Racial Traits

Ability Score Racial Traits: Kivu gain +2 Dex, -4 Con, and +2 Cha.
Type: Kivu are humanoids with the shadow subtype.

Kivu gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease and mind-affecting effects.
Kivu take no penalties from energy-draining effects, though they can still be killed if they accrue more negative levels than they have Hit Dice. After 24 hours, any negative levels they've gained are removed without any additional saving throws.

Size: Kivu are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a -1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Speed: Kivu have a base speed of 20 feet. They also have a phase speed of 5 feet. Phase Speed can only be used in shadow form.
Languages: Kivu begin play speaking Common, as well as their regional dialects.
Shadow Resistance: Kivu have cold resistance 5 and electricity resistance 5.
Shadow Magic: Kivu add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against spells of the shadow subschool that they cast. A kivu with a Charisma score of 11 or higher also gains the following spell-like abilities (the caster level is equal to her character level):

1/day — ghost sound, pass without trace, ventriloquism

Shadow Travel: When a kivu reaches 9th level in any combination of classes, she gains the following spell-like ability (the caster level is equal to her character level):

1/day — shadow walk (self only)

When a kivu reaches 13th level in any combination of classes, she gains the following spell-like ability (the caster level is equal to her character level):

1/day — plane shift (self only to the Shadow Plane or the Material Plane only)

Swift as Shadows: Kivu reduce the penalty for using Stealth while moving at full speed by 5, and reduce the Stealth check penalty for sniping by 10.
Darkvision: Kivu can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Carrion Sense: Kivu have a natural ability to sniff out carrion. This functions like the scent ability, but only for corpses and badly wounded creatures (creatures with 25% or fewer hit points).
Hold Breath: Kivu can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to four times their Constitution score before risking drowning or suffocating.
Shadow Form: Kivu posess the ability to transition between two forms. Their physical form is an ectoplasmic construct of such extreme detail it can be autopsied and will appear to be organic tissue. However, it can be shed at will. The shed ectoplasum becomes a pool of liquefied ectoplasum on the ground where the Kivu was standing. Returning to physical form is a move action, as they must create new ectoplasm and shape it into a physical body.
When in shadow form, a Kivu appears to be a shadow with glowing masses for eyes and a central glowing mass. In this form, they gain 50% concealment when in dim illumination or darker, and can become wholly invisible and intangible at will. Kivu intangability is somewhat limited in that to pass through a soild barrier (such as a wall, door, or fence) both sides of the object must be in dim light (or lower), otherwise the barrier functions as if they were tangable. This limitation does not extend to physical attacks, a Kivu may attack while intangable reguardles of light levels. Howeaver if in dim light, a Kivu's first instance of precision damage durring combat is an automatic success.
When in Shadow Form, Kivu becomes dazzled in bright light and will take 1d2 points of damage per round when in direct sunlight. A Kivu cannot transition back to its physical form when in direct sunlight.
Quazi-Mortal: Kivu possess an elemental core of shadow-essence. If a Kivu is killed, it will reform around its core 2d6 weeks later, with a single negative level. This negative level will be removed after 1d4 days. If a Kivu is killed by a critical hit, or its core is smashed after its form is destroyed, it is killed forever. Being semi-corporeal, the core can only be smashed with a magical weapon, magical damage, objects enchanted with Ghost Touch, or via the natural weapons of a magical creature. Kivu do not age after reaching maturity, instead passing into the afterlife only after they feel fulfilled and bored of life.
Fluid Form: Kivu can take the Phantom class to refine their natural abilities into a more potent form.

Vital Statistics

The following are summaries of Kivu's basic physical statistics.

Table: Kivu Random Starting Ages 





15 years 




Table: Kivu Aging Effects 

Middle Age1 



Maximum Age 

65 years 

135 years 

205 years 

+4d6 years 

  • At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha. 
  • At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha. 
  • At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha. 

Table: Kivu Random Height and Weight 


Base Height 

Height Modifier 

Base Weight 

Weight Modifier 


4' 02" 


120 lb. 

+ 2d6 lb. 


4' 00" 


130 lb. 

+ 2d6 lb.

NOTE: Kivu only age in capability, not appearance.