Sutosians (Constructi for "Those who stretch beyond their means for victory".) are the rarest variety of Constructi. While the word Sutosian refers to anyone of any people who are citizens of a specific city-state, the word also refers to the unique form of construct manufactured by the Sutosians. This document refers exclusively to those constructs.
Sutosians are a spartan low-cost ancient form of Z̚oman construct. They are old enough to have entirly rusted and rotted away in all Z̚oman ruins explored thus far in history. Sutosians are not built by the Constructi, who find such bare bones chassies "inhumane" for lack of a better word. Consequently Sutosians are exclusively manufactured in their home city of Zelu Beqi.
Sutosians do not see their chassis as limiting or inhumane. They are encouraged to self-modify and improve as they see fit. The idea that one should adapt and overcome any obstacle life throws their way is one they take most literally. Since all Sutosians are purly mechanical, they often see no issue with removing a hand to install a saw, hammer, or other tool. Especially since they can simply keep their hand in a tool belt for later use.
Their small population would make them unworthy of discussion if not for the Sutosians having rejected their parent-culture's primary values and purpose. Sutosians firmly believe that since they cannot know what they were designed for, that whatever that thing was is irrelevant, and that they are free to choose their futures. In fact, they believe everyone, everywhere, should be free to choose their own path in life. Consequently Sutosians have found a new primary function: The total eradication of Wood Elves.
Rather than the ever-dreaded-by-fiction-authors Rogue Construct Uprising one might fear this to be, Sutosians simply cannot abide the generational, industrialized, chattel slavery which forms the backbone of both the Wood Elven culture and economy. Each Sutosian is manufactured for a clear military or military-supporting roll within their society due to existing in a state of total war against the entirety of Wood Elven culture for centuries. Each is able to operate Z̚oman tools, weapons, and vehicles for they have the capability to produce and use limited numbers of Z̚oman equipment due to their beloved leader/mother AMS-06 "Zelu Beqi".
Naturaly, as Sutosians are free-willed individuals not all of them are happy to throw themselves into the front lines against the Wood Elves. However, as far as reports indicate, no Sutosian to date has objected to assisting with the furthermore of the Sutosian Millitary-Industrial Complex, or serving as Mechanics, Fule-Cell Technicians, or otherwise supporting the city.
Sutosians all share the trait of being mad at Wood Elves for existing. While many dislike, despise, and even hate Wood Elves for their practices, Sutosians have taken this to new heights. Their culture is best defined as standing in direct opposition to Wood Elves goals, regardless of if those elves act alone, as part of the Covenant of Irus, or are independent organized groups, or even cultural offshoots of Wood Elven society which don't even contain a single true Wood Elf. Their hatred is less that of a people, and more akin to how one's body fights off an infection. It's seemingly automatic, and assuredly total.
Aside from the universal hatred of Wood Elves, Wood Elven Culture, all other slavers, and universal adoration of their machine-mother Zelu Beqi, Sutosians are as varied in their personalities and behavior as humans. This trait was not original to their models, and required significant improvements and upgrades to their cores which Zelu Beqi included in their re-design in search of "... fearsome engines of war who those they defend shall adore". Consequently, Sutosians are agents of chaos, change, selfishness, greed, and also altruism, great compassion, unwavering faith, and endless hope.
If one knows humans, they know Sutosians. To an extent. The primary differences come from the Sutosians inorganic minds and their existence in a wartime state for generations. Sutosians are more logic-focused than humans, but still often act on their emotions without thinking. They are also most duity-bound and tend to understand how their actions impact their group, and will do their best to act within their groups best interest far more often than humans do.
Physical Description
Sutosians have two general forms, one for their civilians, and one for their soldiers. Both are notably mechanical and appear as humanoid females comrpised of machinery and plate with a static-mask-like face which cannot express emotions, nor moves when they speak. The primary difference is that civilians are notably unarmored, and often use porcelain as their outer layer, especially for their face plates. Soldiers, on the other hand, are encased in a silvery armor material which they call "Galvachrome" and thus appear bulkier and also like walking mirrors.
There is little detail one can add about their general appearances other than the above statement due to the Sutosian cultural practice of self modification. Technicaly speaking, a Sutosian has no qualms about removing their core from their body and being installed in a vacuum cleaner, tank, train engine, or any other form which would assist it in its present task. They also greatly enjoy improving their personal chassis to fit their own ascetic tastes. There are plenty of Sutosians who can be mistaken for humans as they have added face articulation and synthetic organic coverings to their frames simply for ascetics. Meanwhile others will have welded random parts of weapons they have claimed as trophies to themselves for their own sense of aesthetics.
One of the most extreme cases of self-modification was that of P0N-31, the Sutosian Relations Officer assigned to our Imperial Explorer to explain their peoples ways. She had modified herself to posses the form of a small pony-like creature with rainbow pastel coloring. Upon being pressed as to why she would do this, we were told "Oh, I lost a bet and have to be my serial number for a year. If I have to be a pony, I'm going to be the best pony. You dig me?" In essence, Sutosians are free to look however they please. Provided they are not active duty military personnel.
Sutosians are so rare that only three individuals of non-Constructi cultures we polled had even heard of them before. Their reputation as warriors has been entirly stolen by the Constructi as a whole. As far as we can tell, the only contact with Sutosians any non-soldier of any people has had have been incidents of younger Sutosians who have left their home city to explore the world and find themselves during their culturally mandated walkabout. However, the Sutosian propensity for self modification has resulted in these individuals passing entirely unnoticed on their travels. Save that is for a few legends about unarmored travelers ignoring the swords and bows of bandits to save their fellow travelers and coming out seemingly without injury.
The Imperial Explorer Corps has agreed to attempt to rectify this by attributing the Sutosians military achievements to them rather than their semi-tolerated brothers and sisters in other Constructi groups.
Among the Constructi, the Sutosians are generally disliked and othered due to abandoning their creators culture, worship, and generally having little to do with their Brother and Sister constructs. This is understandable, given the civil war the Sutosian Exodus caused. However, the Sutosians protection of Home (the Constructi homeland) from Wood Elven expansion over the last two centuries has done a lot to heal those old wounds.
Sutosians have one known settlement, the city-fortress of Zelu Beqi. Its location cannot be given with any precision due to it being mobile. One can safly assume it is heading slowly but certainly to a Wood Elven settlement.
Sutosian settlements number in the hundreds if one counts small military outposts, bases, and other locations with non-permanent populations. As they do not, neither do we.
Sutosians are the single most freedom and personal choice focused people we have ever encountered. Strangely, this unites rather than divides them. They delight in diffrence, but not to an excess. They understand the need for limits, patterns, and institutions. Its just that the Sutosians believe everyone should have a say in everything they are subjected too. While seemingly foolish, this works for them.
Sutosians have a strong sense of community, largely seeing one another as family. This extends to everyone who lives in their home city, be they organic or construct. Sutosians will support their family no matter the cost, and in turn will be supported by their families to the same extent. They also see it as the duity of the strong to protect the weak, and will do so whenever possible if not practical. As with their ethical beliefs, their moral beliefs really only work for them.
Sutosians are technically universally adventurers. Their culture has made adventuring into part of their coming of age ritual. Specifically their "Walkabout", where a young Sutosian is expected to venture out into the wider world to experience other peoples and places to see what they are fighting the Wood Elves to protect. Walkabouts last between one and five years, and many Sutosians take several during their lifetimes. Especially after experiencing any especially harsh warfare. Subsequent walkabouts seem to act for them as a kind of therapy.