People: Z̄amaqilu


A Z̄amaqilu unit, visor closed.
A Z̄amaqilu unit, visor closed.
A Z̄amaqilu unit, visor open.
A Z̄amaqilu unit, visor open.

The Z̄amaqilu are an uncommon variant of the Constructi. The Z̄amaqilu are very clearly engineered soldiers, both in their appearance, and capabilities and in that they are usually found in damaged states underneath ancient battlefields, or in great numbers within sealed chambers of Z̚oman ruins.

It is unknown if the Z̄amaqilu are relics of ancient Z̚oman conflicts or strictly the products of the Irisian War. What is clear is they were created after Protohumans, but with great haste. Their design is purely functional and lacks much of the Z̚oman's typical flair, aesthetics, and other little touches. Their hardware is Z̚oman through and through, but you could be excused for believing they were made by another culture entirely if you did not know what to look for.

As the Z̄amaqilu are found everywhere, they are the most common variety of Cosntructi known to people in Eyom's more rural areas. Any time ancient soil is plowed, there is a good chance a farmer might uncover one of these inactive constructs. Most of Eyom's folk tend to feel pity for these uncovered Z̄amaqilu, and will repair them if at all feasible (Scholar's note: Z̄amaqilu have a human face. It is made of a type of dye-impregnated rubber, but it is very expressive. Their beautiful and feminine appearances are likely intentional, to ensure they can be empathized with. Probably to prevent their regional commanders from wasting resources by using them as cannon fodder.).

As a direct consequence, there are many villages in the remote cornors of Eyom where one can find a handful of Z̄amaqilu, serving their town for their immortal lives as guards.

The Z̄amaqilu are always guards. All Z̄amaqilu are warriors at their cores and await the day they can serve their community in battle. Of course, as they do get bored, they await that day while engaging in a variety of interests. Ironicaly, the purely mechanical Constructi are the most person-like.

Z̄amaqilu are consequently found off the beaten track all across Eyom, making fine furniture, sewing a field and tilling the soil, all while devising elaborate and increasingly specific plans to protect their family, friends, and community from every sort of attack imaginable by both military commanders and five-year-old children.


Z̄amaqilu are warriors. This is key to understanding them as people. They live to serve, be that in peace or in war. They want to help. They want to participate. They want to keep their communities happy, healthy, and above and beyond all else, free. There's only one problem.

Unlike all other known constructs, the Z̄amaqilu get bored. A board Z̄amaqilu is a very dangerous thing. They will not go on a killing spree, nor torture their neighbors. They didn't step out of the pages of some Arcana Fiction novel. They're people. People with a tendency to engage in shenanigans unimaginable to people who have never served as a soldier.

If a group of Z̄amaqilu are left alone in a workshop without instruction or supervision, it would not be unreasonable to return to find them having created a giant metal spinning top, which is naturally studded with knives, simply to see if they could get it to jump between workbenches while sawing a board in half.

This sort of mayhem-causing is universal in Z̄amaqilu. Scholars believe they were created by copying the mind and soul of an ancient Z̚oman warrior. Not to say they don't have different personalities, because they do. They are distinct individuals. Who all share the same general tastes and most of the same interests.

The Z̄amaqilu should not be seen purely as engines of chaos, for they are not. They are excellent soldiers, have a better sense of honor, duty, and justice than most people. They will follow orders from those they respect and serve to the letter, often going above and beyond the call of duty in both war and peace.

Then you leave to get a coffee and come back to find they've elected to practice diffusing landmines with a set of keys tied to the end of a broom. Just in case that's ever necessary. You would assume that given their universally feminine appearance that the Z̄amaqilu would act with restraint, modesty, and femininity. Alas: They are loud, boisterous, fun-loving, thrill-seekers, who you genuinely can't get overly upset with as they're also kind, compassionate, helpful people who will happily lay down their lives for you and your family. They also have a penchant for eating dye pellets, ostensibly due to mistaking them for candy and lacking a conventional sense of taste.

Imperial Army commanders likely already understand what we're saying, but just to make it crystal clear:

The Z̄amaqilu are the sisters your marines never had, until now.

Much of their personhood and conventionally people-like actions and demeanor is due to their cores making use of several magically preserved segments of organic brain matter. The amount is not sufficient to comprise an entire brain, and testing shows the tissue to have been created through necromancy. However these small organic segments appear to be responsible for the Z̄amaqilu's ability to learn, adapt, overcome, live, laugh, and love. These organic parts will not rot, nor decay with time, but do require the Z̄amaqilu to eat in order to fuel them. Consequently, the Z̄amaqilu are, in essence, what you'd get if you took a boisterous young woman who was raised by her father, without a mother, and in the company of a dozen brothers, in the Highlands, then trained her as a soldier, and she was then magically frozen at the age of 20.

Physical Description

A Z̄amaqilu, leaning against a boulder, with her visor open, and helmet up.A Z̄amaqilu with her visor open and helmet down. The Z̄amaqilu are a humanoid construct which has been given a generally female body shape. They posess a synthetic rubber face which is impregnated with dye in order to provide them with a mostly organic-looking visage. When combined with their retractable silk hair, Z̄amaqilu are often mistaken for a woman wearing plate armor.

The Z̄amaqilu's organic appearance is limited to their face and heads only. The rest of their bodies are made from an odd silvery metal that doesn't rust and is comparable in strength to steel, though much lighter. Many Dwarves claim the Z̄amaqilu are made from Titanium, though it is more likely to be an alloy of titanium, steel, and osmium based on metallurgical testing.

A Z̄amaqilu's body is very utilitarian. They appear to be a walking assemblage of armor plates with cable,s hoses, and other bits of machinery visible at the joints. Their body has a distinctly female shape given to it by wide hips, long legs, and breasts molded into their chest plates.

Many Z̄amaqilu with access to Constructi workshops will get synthetic flesh applied over their bodies, simply to see if they look cooler after it's been mostly blown off during battle. More practical and wise Z̄amaqilu with the same resources often get modified to give them access to more social functionality. Namely, the installation of removable body armor combined with Z̚omani-designed sex organs. This is due entirely to their need for adult companionship.

Unfortunately, a Z̄amaqilu will be hard-pressed to find a romantic partner, as they do appear more machine than a person. Excepting each other, of course. Unlike most of the Constructi who feel the need to seek a partner, Z̄amaqilu have no qualms about dating one another.

Some Z̄amaqilu are taller than others by a few inches, and built slightly bulkier. The significance behind this is yet unknown.


Z̄amaqilu are known throughout Eyom. By the rural lower class. Many legends of women warriors defending small farm villages from bandits and monster hoards are in actuality about them. The rural population of Eyom loves the Z̄amaqilu.

The Urban population, on the other hand, has basically never heard of them. They're often mistaken for Protohumans and asked to relay messages to Constructi communities. Aside from communities near the Constructi Homeland, where Z̄amaqilu can be seen forming the bulk of peacekeeping forces, the Z̄amaqilu are almost entirely unknown.

This anonymity is so intence that Imperial Scouts genuinly believed some Protohumans were cold and all business and others were oddly peppy and kindhearted until we began to survey the most Rural of Eyomic settlements. In other words, the Z̄amaqilu are practically unknown to the heart of civilization.


There is no known Z̄amaqilu-built settlement. Furthermore, Z̄amaqilu acclimatize to any place they are brought to within a few months of being brought online. Hence, if some have ever created a settlement, it would appear to be one typical for whatever culture the Z̄amaqilu was a part of.

There is a tendency for some rural settlements to have absurdly robust fortifications and defenses. It's probable the Z̄amaqilu are responsible, as they often dig entrenched fighting posisions when bord. This is not, however, confirmed.


The Imperial Commander of Her Majesty's Armed Forces Within Eyom has mandated we use the following statement, and only the following statement to describe the moral and ethical center of Z̄amaqilu:

"They're marines."


The Imperial Commander of Her Majesty's Armed Forces Within Eyom has mandated we use the following statement, and only the following statement to describe the type and number of Z̄amaqilu who elect to spend a large chunk fo their lives as Adventurers:

"They're marines."

Racial Traits

Standard Racial Traits

Ability Score Racial Traits: Z̄amaqilu gain +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, and -2 Wis.
Type: Z̄amaqilu are humanoids with the half-construct subtype.

    • Half-constructs gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and effects that cause either exhaustion or fatigue.
    • Z̄amaqilu cannot be raised or resurrected, but can be repaired.
    • Z̄amaqilu do not breathe or sleep, unless they want to gain some beneficial effect from one of these activities. This means that a half-construct can drink potions to benefit from their effects and can sleep in order to regain spells, but neither of these activities is required for the half-construct to survive or stay in good health.
    • Z̄amaqilu must eat to fule themselves, and maintain the health of their organic components. See Bio Reactor.

Size: Z̄amaqilu are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Z̄amaqilu have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Z̄amaqilu begin play speaking Common.
Shiny and Chrome
: Z̄amaqilu have reflective, silvery armor that grants them a +2 racial bonus to AC against rays. A Z̄amaqilu with a dexterity score of at least 14 and an initiative of at least +6 can deflect ray attacks targeted at them as if they were using the Deflect Arrows feat.
Defensive Training: Z̄amaqilu have a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class.
Resistant: Z̄amaqilu have a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and poison.
Wartrained: Perception and Stealth are always class skills for a z̄amaqilu.
Weapon Familiarity: Z̄amaqilu are proficient with all firearms and are able to use (but not maintain) any weapon with the word "Z̚oman" in its name as a martial weapon (But they probably shouldn't be allowed to do so...).
See in Darkness: Z̄amaqilu can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, including that created by spells such as deeper darkness.
Elemental Vulnerability: Z̄amaqilu have vulnerability to electricity.
Unnatural: Z̄amaqilu unnerve animals, and train to defend themselves against the inevitable attacks from such creatures. Z̄amaqilu take a -4 penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks to affect creatures of the animal type, and receive a +4 dodge bonus to AC against animals. An animal's starting attitude toward a z̄amaqilu is one step worse than normal.
Bio Reactor: Z̄amaqilu need to eat food to survive, jsut like any organic would. They require only a third of the food a human would, assuming they were performing the same activities. Z̄amaqilu are able to use the food they consume to heal and treat any meal as a Potion of Cure Light Wounds (A meal being any reasonable portion of a food stuff, such as a sandwich). However, as Z̄amaqilu lack fat they have no way to store excess food for later use. A Z̄amaqilu begins to starve after 24 hours without eating. While starving, the Z̄amaqilu loses 1d4 points of each ability score every 8 hours. These lost points are fully restored uppon eating a meal's worth of food. This ability drain will kill the Z̄amaqilu if their Int or Con are reduced to 0.
Factory Reset: A dead Z̄amaqilu can be revived with eight hours of work and a DC 15 Craft Construct check. If revived within 24 hours of their death, all is well. If the Z̄amaqilu has been dead for more than 24 hours, all of its memories are gone forever. The character can be played using the same appearance and ability scores, but their Skills, Class, and XP are gone forever. (GMs can allow the XP and level to be preserved at their discretion.)

Vital Statistics

The following are summaries of Z̄amaqilu basic physical statistics.

Table: Z̄amaqilu Random Starting Ages 





4 years 




Table: Z̄amaqilu Aging Effects 

As Constructs, Z̄amaqilu are immortal and do not age.

Table: Z̄amaqilu Random Height and Weight 


Base Height 

Height Modifier 

Base Weight 

Weight Modifier 


6' 04" 


350 lb. 

+ 2d6 lb. 


5' 10" 


350 lb. 

+ 2d6 lb.