Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Yêmê-píanè Grasslands

Yêmê-píanè Grasslands

Yêmê-píanè Grasslands

Yêmê-píanè Grasslands
Example grassland terrain
Area18387 km2 (11427 mi2)
Average Yearly Temp19°C (66°F)
Average Elevation5286 m (17342 ft)
Average Yearly Precipitation74 cm/y (29 in/y)
Rural Pop652126
Urban Pop50737
Native nameYêmê-píanè Grasslands
Pronunciation/ˈjɘmɘ/ /ˈp˔anè/
Direct Translation[pregnant] [effort]
TranslationBreeders Grasslands

The Yêmê-píanè Grasslands (/ˈjɘmɘ/ /ˈp˔anè/ Breeders [pregnant] [effort]) are a group of subtropical grassland on the coast of the Indigoplains region. Yêmê-píanè Grasslands are a relatively typical grassland for Indigoplains, as well as Eyom as a whole.


The Yêmê-píanè Grasslands has a yearly average temperature of 19°C (66°F), with its average temperature during the summer being a warm 27°C (80°F) and its average temperature during the winter being a cool 12°C (53°F). The Yêmê-píanè Grasslands receives an average of 74 cm/y (29 in/y) of precipitation, most of which comes in the form of rain during the spring. The Yêmê-píanè Grasslands covers an area of nearly 18387 km2 (11427 mi2), and an average elevation of 5286 m (17342 ft) above sea level.

Flora and Fauna

The Yêmê-píanè Grasslands are home to a modest number of species with their population figures resting somewhat below average for a subtropical grassland, and a modest number of species with their population figures matching the average for a subtropical grassland. The keystone species of Yêmê-píanè Grasslands are as follows:

Monstrous Creatures

The Yêmê-píanè Grasslands has an MDI of 0, as such Imperial Assets are advised to relocate to safer zones. Insurance against monster attacks is not offered. Bounties for slain monsters are not provided via any formal arrangements, though imperial agents may provide this service at their discretion. Travelers are advised to avoid the Yêmê-píanè Grasslands. If travel through the Yêmê-píanè Grasslands cannot be avoided, travelers are advised to be heavily armed at all times, and travel by the most expedient route and method of transportation available.

The most common monstrous creatures within the Yêmê-píanè Grasslands are:

People and Culture

Imperial Warning: The following section of this document deals with biological race. In deference to the traditions of Eyomic peoples, we have foregone town-specific racial census. However, as our culture lacks a taboo for classification of peoples by their biology and such information is highly important for our medical practices amongst other institutions, we have stated the racial demographics of this region. We do not do so to sew the seeds of disunity. We do not do so to belittle or bemoan any group. Such issues are why we use the term 'peoples' rather than races, cultures, or species.

In respect to this universal cultural element, we have split racial classification by culture while keeping the name of each race for our own purposes. Should you see the same race listed more than once in the following section, this is to designate a major cultural division within a race.

The Yêmê-píanè Grasslands are home to 702863 people. They break down into the following demographics: 56% Wood Elves, 19% Fae, 10% Taurans, 9% Kobold, 4% Kobold, and ~2% Other.

The Yêmê-píanè Grasslands are's peoples are culturally Wood Elven, but have their local customs and traditions. Their shared values and traditions include ethnic purity of blood and culture and honor and maintaining one’s integrity, as well as a unique fire festival and a autumn festival.

Wood Elf

The Wood Elf subculture native to the Yêmê-píanè Grasslands are noticably smaller and slighter than their neighbors. While they follow the broader tennents of Wood Elf culture, they have diffrenciated themselves by adopting a tradition of socially-meaningful animal motif items and base their sence of individual idenity on warbands or civic military service groups. They also place greater cultural emphasus on piety and devotion to the gods and sharing wealth and goods with others.


The Fae subculture native to the Yêmê-píanè Grasslands are noticably either short and stocky or tall and slender. While they follow the broader tennents of Wood Elf culture, they have diffrenciated themselves by adopting a tradition of intricate hair styles or braiding and base their sence of individual idenity on dynastic lineages with cadet branches. They also place greater cultural emphasus on beauty and seductive charm and ethnic purity of blood and culture.


The Tauran subculture native to the Yêmê-píanè Grasslands are noticably much bigger and bulkier than neighbors. While they follow the broader tennents of Wood Elf culture, they have diffrenciated themselves by adopting a tradition of tattoos of some cultural significance and base their sence of individual idenity on far-flung clans of affiliated families. They also place greater cultural emphasus on pacifism and peaceful resolution of problems and ethnic purity of blood and culture.


The Kobold subculture native to the Yêmê-píanè Grasslands are noticably same height and weight as the neighbors. While they follow the broader tennents of Wood Elf culture, they have diffrenciated themselves by adopting a tradition of worn weapons, tools or trade implements and base their sence of individual idenity on numerous castes of hereditary workers. They also place greater cultural emphasus on magical prowess and occult ability and submission to lawful authority.


The Kobold subculture native to the Yêmê-píanè Grasslands are noticably either short and stocky or tall and slender. While they follow the broader tennents of Wood Elf culture, they have diffrenciated themselves by adopting a tradition of role or class-specific clothing items and base their sence of individual idenity on professional guild or trade-specific group. They also place greater cultural emphasus on submission to the collective will or culture and submission to lawful authority.

Local Religion

The Yêmê-píanè Grasslands are overseen by Potentate Aotl Frenona Muider, a god serving within Labdsism, the region's principal religion. Approximately 55% of the population self-report as devout. The Yêmê-píanè Grasslands is overflowing with shrines and holy sites, with most noteworthy divines having one or more shrines in any location relevant to their portfolio.

Settlements and Economy

Yêmê-píanè Grasslands is noteworthy for its economic independence from Indigoplains's export of Linen. Yêmê-píanè Grasslands is particularly renound for its machine tools industry. It is also has a noteworthy archeology industry.

The Yêmê-píanè Grasslands has an Imperial Development Index of 36. For the reference of Eyom's native peoples, a IDI of 36 means there are 36 locations within the Yêmê-píanè Grasslands which the Empire can securely and regularly transport materials and personnel..

As a courtesy for scholars and agents, the Qûyæ Amu Expanse is rated M1 by Eyom’s banks. Business ventures within the Qûyæ Amu Expanse are not expected to return value in yearly terms.



Points of Interest