Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Domain: Jungle

Domain: Jungle

Jungle Domain

You are in tune with the primal harmony of tropical forests. That which hates others loves you. You are both its child and its protector and are granted its bounty along with its power.

Granted Powers

Sacred Nature Bond (Sp): You gain an animal companion which functions as if you were a druid of equal level. Additionally, when leveling up, you may trade knowledge of a cleric spell for knowledge of any Ranger or Druid spell of equal level that affects animal companions. These spells are divine equivalents, not true nature magic, and thus cannot benefit from items that improve their effects unless those items were expressly designed for use with divine magic.

Divine Jungle Mind (Ex): At 6th level, you merge your mind into the ecosystem’s social hierarchy, mystically establishing yourself as a master of wild beasts and an apex predator. You attain knowledge about the general animal population in a radius of 1 mile as commune with nature, and you then select one type of animal (such as birds, cats, snakes, or fish). For the duration of the spell, you can sense the location, movement, and size of creatures of this type in the area, though you can’t discern species or individual identity. In addition, you improve the starting attitude of animals of the chosen type by one step for the next hour, after which the ability deactivates unless you choose to expend another use to continue control over your current animal type.

While this ability is active you may focus on a single animal that you can sense with this spell to establish a mental link as a full-round action. There is no save against this effect.

While linked, you can read the animal’s surface thoughts as detect thoughts, and can see, hear, and smell what the animal is experiencing using your own Perception skill. If you target another creature’s animal companion, the ability imeadiently ends and the creature is aware its animal companion was intruded upon (but not by whom or from where). Using this ability reduces the spell’s remaining duration to 1 minute/level.

Despite the name, jungle mind functions within any terrain. If used within Lin Forest, you can expend one use of channel energy to summon any animals you can sense to aid you as per the spell Summon Nature’s Ally and as if you were a Druid of your cleric level. Additionally, this ability can be used to link to Fairies within Lin Forest, which permits two-way communication between you and any fairies within range. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Domain Spells: 1st—Endure Elements, 2nd—Fury of the Sun, 3rd—Rain of Frogs, 4th—Giant Vermin, 5th—Snake Staff, 6th—Transport via Plants, 7th—Form of the Exotic Dragon I, 8th—Wandering Weather, 9th—Shambler.