Domain: New Life

New Life Domain

You sense the cosmic nature of life itself, and can foster or manipulate it for your own ends.

Granted Powers

Lifesense (Su): You notice and locate living creatures within 30 feet, just as if you possessed the blindsight ability. This ability remains active so long as you posess at least one use of channel energy and are above half hit points.

Create Life (Su): At 6th level, you gain the ability to spend one or more uses of channel energy to create any plant, animal, or monster of which you have personally seen and studied previously (IE, passed a DC 15 knowledge check while remaining in the creature's company for at least an hour). You can create any of those forms of creatures with each use of channel energy corresponding to one hit die (You cannot make a creature with more hit dice than normal, but rather must expend one use of Channel Energy per hit die of the desired creature). Creatures created in this fashion form within an earthen womb located where the power was invoked and are birthed by the earth as adults in their prime (plants erupt from the soil instead) after 1 hour per hit die of gestation. Once spawned, the created creature is entirely loyal and obedient toward you, acting as if it were an animal companion. You may create as many creatures as you wish but can only retain the loyalty of a number equal to your charisma modifier (minimum 1). These creatures are entirely real and cannot be dispelled or banished. If mistreated or neglected they will act as any member of their species would act.
All creaturees created with this ability must be living things and can never be undead, elementals, incorporeal, or constructs, but may be extraplanar provided none of the previous limitations are violated. This ability cannot be used to create intelligent creatures until you reach 20th level (This includes creating people. Intelligent creatures will always sposess your mental stats, have the same skills as you, and know everything you know. When created, you may given intelligent creatures a single command as per Geas/Quest, but cannot dominate them as you can with your unintelligent creations. Once they fulfill their Geas, they are free to do as they please.)

Domain Spells: 1st—Positive Pulse, 2nd—Life Pact, 3rd—Spirit Bonds, 4th—Persistent Vigor, 5th—Breath of Life, 6th—Animate Objects (free permanency & can give non-combat instructions using your skills), 7th—Waves of Ecstasy, 8th—Soulseeker, 9th—True Resurrection.