Inheriter of Hell, Fauther of the Fallen, Keeper of the Old Pacts, Gorg
Worshippers, Clergy, Temples | Dogma | Appearance | Relationships & History | Related Images
While not technicaly a formal religion, a discussion of Eyomic Faith without mentioning Gorg. In the era after the Iriaian War there were no Lords of Hell left willing or able to publicly hold the title. Neither were any of the remaining divines willing to compromise their integrity by taking on such a title. Thus it fell to Gorg, the oldest known deamon, who was then "Custodian of the Pit" to handle such affairs by default.
While he does recieve worship from some, he tends to discourage mortals from seeking his favor and and activly works to mitigate the harm caused by planar survivors who cannot adapt to the relaities of life on the mortal plane.
"I'm the one left holding the bucket. So, not much has changed realy."
- Old Gorg, personaly contributed
Worshippers, Clergy, Temples
As a religion primarily caring for Deamons, there is little which can be said in detail that can be correctly atributed to all, or even msot worshipers. In many ways, Old Gorg is a tharapist rather than a divine. His followers are primary fiends unable to cope with the loss of the lower planes, or even life on the Prime material.
Old Gorg is vennerated by demons, primarily. This takes the form of ziggarats buit in the wildernes to extraplanar standards of design and astetic. They make most mortals quite uncomfortable to look at, let alone exist within. They often hold treasures and dangers expressly for adventurers due to tradition.
Old Gorg can speak through any imp summoned in Eyom, and will do so. Usualy wether or not somone intended to, as speaking to him is prefomred by a ritual consisting of summoning an imp while facing any direciton other than south east.
The Knights of Evil: Understanding that in the long term Evil must be tollerable to survive (and typicaly only triumphs when good is dumb), the Knights of Evil are an order of verifiably psycopathic, violent, and murderious antipaladins who have taken it uppon themselves to keep all evil within acceptable bounds. This is primarily achieved by policing evildooers. No one has told them this is technicaly doing good, as no one wishes to disrupt this process.
Let it be.
Picture if you will your classic devil. Tall, red, cloven hooves, horn, a spade tail. Now imagine they are a balding 50 year old human male going through their third divorce with the help of their nightly case of beer and excuciatingly long stories of "the old days". This is Old Gorg, plus or minus a beer gut and a ratty old floral print button up shirt which hasn't been buttoned up in living memory.
Relationships & History
Old Gorg is close friends with every god save for Suri. He sees Suri as a poser. Suri may honestly not know Old Gorg even exists.