Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Deity: Thekel

Deity: Thekel


A painting of Thekel in her current form as of 1998.Thekel the Reborn is the Goddess of Kings, Warriors, Fortune, and the Night. She is the only known Living God, a divine entity with a physical form of meat and bone which is none the less fueled by a deep and self-replenishing well of divine quintessence. She is what mortals could achieve over a billion years of floushing, and what no divine could ever be of their own accord.

Thekel serves as the reigning monarch of the City of Omlar, and the Chief Divine of the Way of Kings and is described by the Cult of Thekel as the Mother, Guardian and God of Freedom.

The Wood Elves and the Kami refer to her as "The Threat", "The Abommination" and "The Accursed" for her nature is anathema to mortality and divinity, akin to the state of undeath from the perspective of divine beings. She is friend to Tol and Illia, who call her by name, with Illia receiving the honor being permitted to call her "Thekkie" without being smote in a dozen ways.

She was, and remains, the only divine killed during the Irisian War to return to life, the mortal realm, and regain worship.


Thekel is a thoughtful, wise, and prudent being. She despises weakness, but seeks to strengthen ratehr than weeken. She is loath to give council on request, but delights in giving it to thsoe who demand it from her. In her eyes, those who ask for something are week and undeserving while those who demand it are self actualised enough to be worthy of not only her attention, but respect.

She does not hate those she sees as lesser, she pitties them. She laments their weekness and seeks to safeguard them from the darker things in the world which prey uppon such poor creatures.

Thekel is much more of a person than any other divine. She laughs, she loves, she weeps. She delights in many mundane activities, and her goals and ambishions relate to mortals, mortal affairs, and operate on mortal time scales.

She is a god of the people, seeking to improve them. If offered worship she will accept it with iirtation, but grant those who cannot protect themselves her mercy and patronage as their divine.


Thekel is an Intermedate Deity who holds the portfolios of Darkness, Luck, and War.