Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Deity: The Mountain Gods

Deity: The Mountain Gods

The Mountain Gods

A painting of a typical Mountain God.The Mountain Gods are a large group of young divines which inhabit the mountains of Eyom. They are true divines who receive power and are sustained by the worship of mortal beings. They are not unified into a traditional pantheon, instead acting as individuals within complex alliances and rivalries. Mountain Gods have organized themselves into three nations (for lack of a better term). These nations are:

The Mountain Gods of Z̄omohope (Z̄oman. Dir. translation: [youthful beauty] [four (number)]) live within mountains found in Bullwark, the Upper and Lower Warding Ranges, Highpeaks, and the Ancestor's Range. They have placed themselves so as to be a bulwark against the god Irus, and did so at the request of dead Thrakk the Unyielding, effectively taking his place as Irus's cell. Their willingness to follow "The Man" as the others put it resulted in the other Mountain Gods refusing to associate with them further.

The Mountain Gods of Saber Blade spend their days countering Irus's plans to cross their mountains, helping heros and escaped slaves, and doing everything in their power to generally annoy Lord Irus. A brief list of their coordinated operations within this field include:

  1. Convincing Wood Elven priests that the old first generation totems recharge by being placed in fire.
  2. Convinced several thousand Balor Lords to dress in matching suits, then travel to Wood Elven pools, spas, and hotsprings, and stand around them in the shape of the Mountain God's crest while informing all mortals that "The Pool's closed."
  3. Rigged a contest to get Irus's favorite musician to play a concert at a school for the deaf.
  4. Convinced several hundred million mortals that the latest Atheary game "Warfare Frogs" could only be purchased by contacting the company via a sending spell and asking for it. The Sending Attunement they gave out was Irus's personal Attunement.
  5. Identified a Wood Elven Battlemage training camp based on propaganda images and got it atomized by telling Zelu Beqi about it.
  6. Egged every single Irisian temple one Autumn Equinox.
  7. Circulated nude images of Irus which were doctored to depict him as having a micropenis. Then convinced scholars they were entirely accurate, ensuring their use in scholastic texts about Irus.
  8. Replaced the heads of every statue of Irus with a sculpture of a horse's hindquarters.
  9. Convinced several Wood Elven generals to commit ritual suicide by pretending ot be Irus, allowing the Wareneese to win a key battle.
  10. Regularly get their followers to sing lewd songs as a chorus while facing Irus's temple and amplifying their song eleven times, such that the music is as thunder.

The Mountain Gods of Greatshield can be found on mountains within Greenrange, the Cutmountains, the Fractal Range, and Skyholm. They are the original nation of Mountain Gods and primarily define themselves as being cooler than the other two groups as they do not bow to the will of anyone so boring and unreputable as to not be a part of their fellowship.

They are of no consequence to those not living on their mountains.

The Mountain Gods of Dirk inhabit mountains found within the Endless Peaks, Copper Hills, and Solumtract. They are in conflict with the Dwarves, who were tasked by one of the last living gods to mine their mountains away into nothingness, or at least until the Mountain Gods can no longer be sustained by the mountain as the mountain has become a fortress. The battles waged between Dwarves, and Mountain Gods forces have shaped much of the region's history.

When their mountain is no longer suitable for empowering them, a Mountain God is not killed. Rather its portfolio as God of the Mountain is destroied, leaving the divine with their power, but no mantle or portfolio. This causes the divine to be given power over something else, generally the most closely attuned minor portfolio for their specific personality. This is how most of Eyom's Minor Gods are born. The Mountain Gods despise this process, and fight against it as they do not feel they are yet ready to mature into greater roles.

The Mountain Gods of Dirk are the only known Mountain Gods to have created life. They combined their power to create the Kobolds from a species of horned lizard native to the Endless Peaks. Unfortunately for them, the Kobolds got bored and wandered off to do other things rather than become the Dwarves' bitter rivals. No ill will is held towards the Kobolds by the Mountain Gods of Dirk. To quote Chadicus (their Head God), "It's chill. It was our first time doing that. It's on us really."

There are other lesser groups of Mountain Gods, and lone Mountain Gods within Eyom. These entities are not worth discussing when talking about Mountain Gods as a whole due to their minor deviations from the typical behaviors being unworthy of note in such discussions.


Mountain Gods are naive, impulsive, self-centered, clueless, volatile, reactive, emotional, explosive, unreasonable, enthusiastic, excitable, and above all entertaining. One cannot go wrong by describing them as "youthful", for they indeed are. They value being thought of as fashionably attractive or impressive above all else and seemingly cannot care much for that which lies beyond the borders of their personal worlds. This is not to say they are uncaring. Mountain Gods love mortals, wether they follow them or not, and will often go out of their way to be helpful if only to get their name out there.

They delight in mischief, shenanigans, and general tomfoolery, but hate being thought of as immature. They will sulk for weeks at a time if humbled, humiliated, or even simply shown up. To them, reputation is everything.


Mountain Gods are Demi-deities with a portfolio making them the god of a specific mountain. They are nearly omnipotent in terms of events occurring to, on, or above their mountains, but are limited in that they know only that which they can see via their avatars, shrines, or immaterial form's perceptions. While exceptionally powerful, they could conceivably be killed by an exceptionally powerful, skilled, and well equipped mortal.