Totaly-Not-Irus, Denier of the Grave, Lord of Vigor, Fate-Spiter
Worshippers, Clergy, Temples | Dogma | Appearance | Relationships & History | Related Images
While new as a formal religion, worship of "Suri" has been practices at the margins of scocieties udnerserved by the Kami a bringer of implausable ressurections. To this purpose, and for this reason, the religion has slowly spread in a grassroots movment, taking the world inch by inch, year by year. Related to their apparently excelent fortune in their spread, they also quite openly sell their noteworthy ability to lean on luck. Either in their favor, or against another.
"If Khristos can do it, then so can I."
- Suri
Worshippers, Clergy, Temples
Priests of Suri wear plain cover-gowns of a shade of gray which gets lighter as they rise in rank. Marks of acomplishment in their preisthood are respresented by permenat magical stains applied durring rituals of advancment. They eschue jewlery, and wear ordinary clothing beneath their gowns.
This choice is importnat for the deniability of being a priest of Suri, which is not illegal, but can often find itself the targer of extreem ire form the general popuious.
Advancment in the formal priesthood of Suri arises only as a priest demonstraits an increaced impact on the scociety they are embedded in. As the order is largly clandestine the details of their ranking system and inturnal hiarchy are not precicley known.
While less common in rural Eyom there are no cities that do not have at least one small place (such as an out of buisness shop or shed in a back lot) dedicated to providing the public with Suri's mericles. This is usualy in the form of minor curses on rivals or temporary and expensice assistance in risky endevors.
As it is both secritive and relativly young, few rituals dedicated to Suri are known to the general public, or even accademics. Most rituals addressing Suri give rise to "inexplicable" Irisian curses.
The Fun Poliece: Suri believes that life should be characterized principaly by the adversity it overcomes. This could have given rise to a downkicking order of malicebringers but instead it has given rise to a meticulious order of Inquisitors focused on preventing those they deem "the eliets" from "living it up too good".
- Live. Do all else you might, but live.
- Death is not the end.
- Get mad. Get even.
- Get more than even.
Some guy. You know how when you go to a pub for the evening there's always that one non descript gentelman quietly enjoying a pint at the bar or in an unassuming conor? Like that, but less intresting.
Relationships & History
Formaly "Suri" is a relativly new addition to the Eyomic Panthion, howeaver the keen amongst the readers will notice certain resounding simmilarities to another known Sidereal with whom they might be familure. Due to this "simmilarity", most of the rest of Eyom's gods treat Suri as a viper amongst the hens. Except for Basilisk, who ignores him.