Classes of Eyom

Classes of Eyom


The following classes have been developed for use in Eyom, as well as the world of Zo at large.

Army Regular

A modern solgier serving in an Eyomic nation's millitary, or now retired but still formaly trained in the modern art of war and still hanging on to some of their toys. Sword, shield, and chainmail are still popular with adventurers and monster slayers, but good old fashioned war has gone the way of guns, cloth uniforms, artillery, and specilized solgiers working togeather as parts of a greater weapon than any mere warrior could ever be.

This class is a series of archatypes which allow a player to be an army medic, demolitions expert, marskman, combat engineer, special weapon operator, or basic army grunt.

Atomic Deamon Inspector

If the name alone dosn't intrigue you, I don't know how to sell this one to you. Ever want to work for the MIB, but for deamons that operate nuclear ractors? This is that.


At once a holy warrior and a self-taught master of blade and spell. The Calad are warriors following the example of the Goddess Theckle, finding their own path to power, fame, glory, and honor. Unlike a paladin, the Calad is free to decide for themselves what power is, what being famious is worth, where glory can be found, and what honor is.

They also can fire energy beams and cast divine spells of their own will, and from their own inturnal power.

Dread Necromancer

The archatypical necromancer everyone wishes to play but the rules generaly make a nightmear. This mage is all about crafting undead. What kind? All kinds. How many? How much time and corpses are avalible? That many. What's the upper bounds? Depends on their level.

If you want to be a squad of dudes, but not play a suummoner, and feel a personal connection to each of your mad creations, this is the class for you.

Imperial Explorer

Ever want to play somone who'se intentionaly made adventuring their career? Want to have ties to a powerful organization? Want to have a mission in life? Are you okay with pilth helmets, large guns, and crafting your own supplies in the field from whatever bits you scrounched up that morning?

Then the Imperial Explorer Corpse is for you! Enlistment bonuses include free monogramming services for your personal posessions, and of course your funeral will be fully covored by the Imperium.


Ever wonder what your average militia member would be like in a world of monsters, magic, bandits, and bastards? What if there was a simple form of magic most anyone could learn with some time and dedication? What if that simple magic meshed realy well with beating the shit out of a monster with a shouvel?

For all who wish to be a modern warrior, fuled by the fear in their enamies eyes.

Tauric Range Runner

Are you playing a Taur? Do you want to go full freight train, stab something with your lance, then shoot it with your lance? Then here you go. Carry on you beautifal bastard!

Waer-ûl Hunter

Okay so you're playing one of Eyom's werewolves, but this proves an insufishent ammount of wolf for you. You've allready gone Sylvin so you can be a member of Tribe Canis, and a werewolf too, but that's also not enough. Where do you go from here?

Well dog wolf, I heard you like wolves, so you can take this class so you can wolf while you wolf. More practicaly, that you might creep up on your foes on your scilent wolf paws, then ravage them with your mighty wolf claws, and rend them with your adamantine wolf jaws with an intence CQC fury in the coming Wolftime.

Class Archatypes

Remeber Archatypes? Yeah, Eyom has plenty of them. Here they are!