Aescir Hide

Aescir Hide

The Aescir is a giant solitary herbavore. They are most easily described as a melding of a Garden Eel and a Bowfin. The passive's hide holds special properties. Aescir Hide's properties are entirly magical in nature and is uniquly useful in the creation of rope. Aescir Hide was first discovered by the weaver Réó̄̄̄y Ya̋chvóń 'Elodie Pie' Gaw̋ch Joida̋ch Cōrmē Séór Erméoī̄ within the Wàki̊qāv Woods in time immemorial. Réó̄̄̄y Ya̋chvóń 'Elodie Pie' Gaw̋ch Joida̋ch Cōrmē Séór Erméoī̄'s discover was believed to have occured some time durring the late 5th century.