Group: Constructi


A Constructi repaired Z̚oman construct factory. The Ordos Scholortoria has reviewed the Eyomic term "Construct" as a name for the machine-life inhabiting the eastern and south-eastern coast of Eyom and determined the term is used erroneously. Difficulty in communicating with these peoples has led to millennia of using a single word as the name for a set of distinct groups who object to the usage of that term in that way. consequently, our guide to these peoples will use their terminology in an effort to clarify and rectify the situation.

Construct is the term that the people in question use to describe their form of life. It is accurate, as they are indeed an incredibly advanced form of Z̚oman construct, that is, a golem-like creation of inorganic matter embued with life. Traditionally a golem is a crude, less refined, and generally speaking unthinking arcane machine. Constructs are more refined, complex, and in the case of these particular constructs, free-thinking beings.

The term by which these people refer to themselves collectively is "Constructi", with the final letter being pronounced like the end of the word tea. This is very similar to their language's plural, which is where the problem with terminology began. The 'i' in COnstructi is a singular form of a pluralization, a linguistic concept that is frankly unuseful to all but the most technical of discussions. The base idea being the word Constructi is a similar term to Warrenese in that it is the name of a culture, not of a people, but the word can be used to describe what an individual is.

Constructi is not the plural form of the word Construct.

The majority of peoples who fall within the umbrella Constructi are:

  1. Z̚omani
  2. Z̄amaqilu
  3. Protohumans
  4. Sutosians

Due to their physical and psychological differences, each of these peoples are receiving their own entries. Please examine these pages for details.